Nonnative and second-language speech perception CT Best, M Tyler, O Bohn, M Munro Language experience in second language speech learning, 13-34, 2007 | 2260 | 2007 |
Effects of experience on non-native speakers' production and perception of English vowels JE Flege, OS Bohn, S Jang Journal of phonetics 25 (4), 437-470, 1997 | 1399 | 1997 |
The revised speech learning model (SLM-r) JE Flege, OS Bohn Second language speech learning: Theoretical and empirical progress 10 …, 2021 | 552 | 2021 |
The production of new and similar vowels by adult German learners of English OS Bohn, JE Flege Studies in second language acquisition 14 (2), 131-158, 1992 | 494 | 1992 |
Cross-language speech perception in adults: First language transfer doesn’t tell it all OS Bohn Speech perception and linguistic experience: Issues in cross-language …, 1995 | 481 | 1995 |
Interlingual identification and the role of foreign language experience in L2 vowel perception OS Bohn, JE Flege Applied psycholinguistics 11 (3), 303-328, 1990 | 422 | 1990 |
Asymmetries in vowel perception L Polka, OS Bohn Speech communication 41 (1), 221-231, 2003 | 278 | 2003 |
A cross‐language comparison of vowel perception in English‐learning and German‐learning infants L Polka, OS Bohn The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100 (1), 577-592, 1996 | 278 | 1996 |
Language experience in second language speech learning: In honor of James Emil Flege OS Bohn, MJ Munro John Benjamins Publishing, 2007 | 248 | 2007 |
An instrumental study of vowel reduction and stress placement in Spanish-accented English JE Flege, OS Bohn Studies in second language acquisition 11 (1), 35-62, 1989 | 243 | 1989 |
Natural Referent Vowel (NRV) framework: An emerging view of early phonetic development L Polka, OS Bohn Journal of Phonetics 39 (4), 467-478, 2011 | 218 | 2011 |
Perception and production of a new vowel category by adult second language learners JE Flege, OS Bohn Second-Language Speech: Structure and Process (Studies on Language …, 1997 | 205 | 1997 |
Acoustic and perceptual similarity of North German and American English vowels W Strange, OS Bohn, SA Trent, K Nishi The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115 (4), 1791-1807, 2004 | 163 | 2004 |
Contextual variation in the acoustic and perceptual similarity of North German and American English vowels W Strange, OS Bohn, K Nishi, SA Trent The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 (3), 1751-1762, 2005 | 109 | 2005 |
Perceptual switching in Spanish/English bilinguals OS Bohn, JE Flege Journal of Phonetics 21 (3), 267-290, 1993 | 107 | 1993 |
Dynamic specification of coarticulated German vowels: Perceptual and acoustical studies W Strange, OS Bohn The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 104 (1), 488-504, 1998 | 97 | 1998 |
Implications of James E. Flege’s research for the foreign language classroom T Piske, OS Bohn, MJ Munro Language experience in second language speech learning, 301-314, 2007 | 86 | 2007 |
Native-language phonetic and phonological influences on perception of American English approximants by Danish and German listeners OS Bohn, CT Best Journal of Phonetics 40 (1), 109-128, 2012 | 81 | 2012 |
Cross-language perception of nonnative vowels: Phonological and phonetic effects of listeners’ native languages CT Best, P Halle, OS Bohn, A Faber Proceedings of the 15th international congress of phonetic sciences 28892892, 2003 | 75 | 2003 |
The perception of tones and phones D Burnham, K Mattock, MJ Munro, OS Bohn Second language speech learning: The role of language experience in speech …, 2007 | 73 | 2007 |