Alessandro Biraglia
Alessandro Biraglia
Associate Professor of Marketing, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds
在 leeds.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
The role of entrepreneurial passion and creativity in developing entrepreneurial intentions: Insights from American homebrewers
A Biraglia, V Kadile
Journal of small business management 55 (1), 170-188, 2017
“Do I have enough food?” How need for cognitive closure and gender impact stockpiling and food waste during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-national study in India and the …
A Brizi, A Biraglia
Personality and Individual Differences 168, 110396, 2021
Consumption ideology
B Schmitt, JJ Brakus, A Biraglia
Journal of Consumer Research 49 (1), 74-95, 2022
The downside of scarcity: Scarcity appeals can trigger consumer anger and brand switching intentions
A Biraglia, B Usrey, A Ulqinaku
Psychology & Marketing 38 (8), 1314-1322, 2021
Why I persist while others leave? Investigating the path from passion to persistence in entrepreneurship
A Kiani, A Ali, A Biraglia, D Wang
Journal of Small Business Management 61 (6), 2818-2848, 2023
From hobby to business: Exploring environmental antecedents of entrepreneurial alertness using fsQCA
V Kadile, A Biraglia
Journal of Small Business Management, 1-36, 2020
How less congruent new products drive brand engagement: The role of curiosity
MHEE Gerrath, A Biraglia
Journal of Business Research 127, 13-24, 2021
Examining how companies’ support of tourist attractions affects visiting intentions: The mediating role of perceived authenticity
A Biraglia, MHEE Gerrath, B Usrey
Journal of Travel Research 57 (6), 811-823, 2018
Corporate sponsorship for museums in times of crisis
A Biraglia, MHEE Gerrath
Annals of Tourism Research 88, 103056, 2021
Service failures in times of crisis: An analysis of eWOM emotionality
MHEE Gerrath, A Mafael, A Ulqinaku, A Biraglia
Journal of Business Research 154, 113349, 2023
Rebel with a (profit) cause: How rebellious brand positioning leads to the perceived coolness
A Biraglia, JJ Brakus
ACR North American Advances 43, 465-466, 2015
How need for closure and deal proneness shape consumers’ freemium versus premium price choices
A Biraglia, KT Bowen, MHEE Gerrath, G Musarra
Journal of Business Research 143, 157-170, 2022
When and why consumers react negatively to brand acquisitions: A values authenticity account
A Biraglia, C Fuchs, E Maira, S Puntoni
Journal of Marketing 87 (4), 601-617, 2023
The role of subnational cultural value on animosity: the China-South Korea THAAD crisis
JY Lee, JI Kim, A Jimenez, A Biraglia
Cross cultural & strategic management 28 (2), 452-478, 2021
Assessment and locomotion motivational concerns in Internet Addiction Disorder
A Biraglia, A Brizi, V Salvati, R Metastasio, L Mannetti
Computers in Human Behavior 76, 463-468, 2017
Gender differences in traditional media and Social Network use
R Metastasio, A Brizi, A Biraglia, L Mannetti
Rassegna di Psicologia 33 (3), 31-38, 2016
The “indie” premium: how independent firms create product value across cultures
V Davvetas, A Biraglia
International Marketing Review 39 (6), 1353-1389, 2022
‘Fermenting a business’: investigating environmental antecedents of entrepreneurial alertness among American homebrewers using fuzzy set analysis
V Kadile, A Biraglia
Global Marketing Conference, 1260-1261, 2016
Will the revolution be advertised? Rebelliousness, authenticity and brand coolness.
A Biraglia
University of Leeds, 2015
E-Service Quality and eWOM: The Moderating Role of Customers’ Risk Orientation and Moral Identity: An Abstract
A Biraglia, S Assadinia, V Kadile
Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value …, 2018
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