W. Payton Gardner
W. Payton Gardner
Associate Professor of Hydrogeology, University of Montana
在 umontana.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
An advanced passive diffusion sampler for the determination of dissolved gas concentrations
WP Gardner, DK Solomon
Water Resources Research, 2009
Using terrigenic 4He to identify and quantify regional groundwater discharge to streams
WP Gardner, GA Harrington, DK Solomon, PG Cook
Water Resources Research 47 (6), 2011
Identifying the contribution of regional groundwater to the baseflow of a tropical river (Daly River, Australia)
BD Smerdon, WP Gardner, GA Harrington, SJ Tickell
Journal of Hydrology 464, 107-115, 2012
A review of GNSS/GPS in hydrogeodesy: Hydrologic loading applications and their implications for water resource research
AM White, WP Gardner, AA Borsa, DF Argus, HR Martens
Water Resources Research 58 (7), e2022WR032078, 2022
Tracking groundwater discharge to a large river using tracers and geophysics
GA Harrington, WP Gardner, TJ Munday
Groundwater 52 (6), 837-852, 2014
Using excess 4He to quantify variability in aquitard leakage
WP Gardner, GA Harrington, BD Smerdon
Journal of Hydrology 468, 63-75, 2012
Palaeohydrogeological insights from natural tracer profiles in aquitard porewater, Great Artesian Basin, Australia
GA Harrington, WP Gardner, BD Smerdon, MJ Hendry
Water Resources Research 49 (7), 4054-4070, 2013
A multitracer approach for characterizing interactions between shallow groundwater and the hydrothermal system in the Norris Geyser Basin area, Yellowstone National Park
WP Gardner, DD Susong, DK Solomon, HP Heasler
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12 (8), 2011
Can argillaceous formations isolate nuclear waste? Insights from isotopic, noble gas, and geochemical profiles
MJ Hendry, DK Solomon, M Person, LI Wassenaar, WP Gardner, ID Clark, ...
Geofluids 15 (3), 381-386, 2015
Downscaling vertical GPS observations to derive watershed‐scale hydrologic loading in the northern Rockies
E Knappe, R Bendick, HR Martens, DF Argus, WP Gardner
Water Resources Research 55 (1), 391-401, 2019
Application of generic disposal system models
P Mariner, GE Hammond, SD Sevougian, E Stein
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sandia …, 2015
Snowmelt hydrograph interpretation: Revealing watershed scale hydrologic characteristics of the Yellowstone volcanic plateau
WP Gardner, DD Susong, DK Solomon, H Heasler
Journal of Hydrology 383 (3-4), 209-222, 2010
The climatic water balance and topography control spatial patterns of atmospheric demand, soil moisture, and shallow subsurface flow
ZH Hoylman, KG Jencso, J Hu, ZA Holden, JT Martin, WP Gardner
Water Resources Research 55 (3), 2370-2389, 2019
Estimating the hydraulic properties of an aquitard from in situ pore pressure measurements
BD Smerdon, LA Smith, GA Harrington, WP Gardner, C Delle Piane, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 22 (8), 1875, 2014
Release of radiogenic noble gases as a new signal of rock deformation
SJ Bauer, WP Gardner, H Lee
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (20), 10,688-10,694, 2016
High performance simulation of environmental tracers in heterogeneous domains
WP Gardner, G Hammond, P Lichtner
Groundwater 53 (S1), 71-80, 2015
Enhancements to Generic Disposal System Modeling Capabilities
G Freeze, WP Gardner, P Vaughn, SD Sevougian, P Mariner, ...
The influence of diurnal snowmelt and transpiration on hillslope throughflow and stream response
B Woelber, MP Maneta, J Harper, KG Jencso, WP Gardner, AC Wilcox, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (8), 4295-4310, 2018
Surface water–groundwater interactions in the lower Fitzroy River, Western Australia
G Harrington, L Stelfox, WP Gardner, P Davies, R Doble, PG Cook
CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, 2011
Helium release during shale deformation: Experimental validation
SJ Bauer, WP Gardner, JE Heath
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (7), 2612-2622, 2016
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