Compulsory averaging of crowded orientation signals in human vision L Parkes, J Lund, A Angelucci, JA Solomon, M Morgan Nature neuroscience 4 (7), 739-744, 2001 | 1050 | 2001 |
Visibility of wavelet quantization noise AB Watson, GY Yang, JA Solomon, J Villasenor IEEE Transactions on image processing 6 (8), 1164-1175, 1997 | 921 | 1997 |
Model of visual contrast gain control and pattern masking AB Watson, JA Solomon JOSA A 14 (9), 2379-2391, 1997 | 641 | 1997 |
Texture interactions determine perceived contrast C Chubb, G Sperling, JA Solomon Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 86 (23), 9631, 1989 | 439 | 1989 |
The visual filter mediating letter identification JA Solomon, DG Pelli Nature 369 (6479), 395-397, 1994 | 408 | 1994 |
A ‘dipper’function for texture discrimination based on orientation variance M Morgan, C Chubb, JA Solomon Journal of Vision 8 (11), 2008 | 154 | 2008 |
Visual thresholds for wavelet quantization error AB Watson, GY Yang, JA Solomon, J Villasenor SPIE Proceedings 2657, 382-392, 1996 | 138 | 1996 |
The lateral inhibition of perceived contrast is indifferent to on-center/off-center segregation, but specific to orientation JA Solomon, G Sperling, C Chubb Vision Research 33 (18), 2671-2683, 1993 | 138 | 1993 |
Facilitation from collinear flanks is cancelled by non-collinear flanks JA Solomon, MJ Morgan Vision Research 40 (3), 279-286, 2000 | 134 | 2000 |
Observers can voluntarily shift their psychometric functions without losing sensitivity M Morgan, B Dillenburger, S Raphael, JA Solomon Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74, 185-193, 2012 | 122 | 2012 |
Noise reveals visual mechanisms of detection and discrimination JA Solomon Journal of Vision 2 (1), 2002 | 119 | 2002 |
Efficiencies for the statistics of size discrimination JA Solomon, M Morgan, C Chubb Journal of Vision 11 (12), 2011 | 116 | 2011 |
Robust averaging protects decisions from noise in neural computations V Li, S Herce Castañón, JA Solomon, H Vandormael, C Summerfield PLoS computational biology 13 (8), e1005723, 2017 | 114 | 2017 |
The role of target salience in crowding FM Felisberti, JA Solomon, MJ Morgan Perception 34 (7), 823-833, 2005 | 113 | 2005 |
Visual discrimination of orientation statistics in crowded and uncrowded arrays JA Solomon Journal of Vision 10 (14), 2010 | 106 | 2010 |
Orientation uncertainty reduces perceived obliquity A Tomassini, MJ Morgan, JA Solomon Vision research 50 (5), 541-547, 2010 | 102 | 2010 |
Transducer model produces facilitation from opposite-sign flanks JA Solomon, AB Watson, MJ Morgan Vision Research 39 (5), 987-992, 1999 | 96 | 1999 |
Contrast discrimination function: Spatial cuing effects JA Solomon, N Lavie, MJ Morgan JOSA A 14 (9), 2443-2448, 1997 | 94 | 1997 |
Blindsight in normal subjects MJ Morgan, AJS Mason, JA Solomon Nature 385 (6615), 401-402, 1997 | 86 | 1997 |
Full-wave and half-wave rectification in second-order motion perception JA Solomon, G Sperling Vision Research 34 (17), 2239-2257, 1994 | 86 | 1994 |