Does the Nordic Model need to change?: Overview of the research report," The Nordic model–challenged but capable of reform" Nordisk Ministerråd, Arvidsson Kultur & Kommunikation Nordic Council of Ministers, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Suomi avoimessa maailmassa R Väyrynen, P Ylä-Anttila, P Alasuutari, A Kasvio, J Lassila, A Nieminen, ... | 42 | 1999 |
Väestön ikääntymisen taloudelliset vaikutukset T Valkonen, J Lassila Valtioneuvoston kanslia, 2021 | 38 | 2021 |
The Finnish pension reform of 2005 J Lassila, T Valkonen The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 32, 75-94, 2007 | 38 | 2007 |
Demographic uncertainty and evaluation of sustainability of pension systems JM Alho, J Lassila, T Valkonen Pension Reform: Issues and Prospects for Non-Financial Defined Contribution …, 2006 | 30 | 2006 |
Demographic forecasts and fiscal policy rules J Lassila, T Valkonen, JM Alho International Journal of Forecasting 30 (4), 1098-1109, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
Controlling the effects of demographic risks: the role of pension indexation schemes JM Alho, SEH Jensen, J Lassila, T Valkonen Journal of Pension Economics & Finance 4 (2), 139-153, 2005 | 26 | 2005 |
The Finnish corporate and capital income tax reform: a general equilibrium approach T Valkonen | 25 | 1999 |
Pension prefunding, ageing, and demographic uncertainty J Lassila, T Valkonen International Tax and Public Finance 8, 573-593, 2001 | 24 | 2001 |
The influence of old-age retirement on health: Causal evidence from the Finnish register data T Kuusi, P Martikainen, T Valkonen The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 17, 100257, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Vanhusten pitkäaikaishoidon tarve vuoteen 2040 E Kauppi, N Määttänen, T Salminen, T Valkonen KAKS–Kunnallisalan kehittämissäätiö. Tutkimusjulkaisu-sarjan julkaisu nro 90, 63, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
Pre-funding expenditure on health and long-term care under demographic uncertainty J Lassila, T Valkonen The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 29, 620-639, 2004 | 19 | 2004 |
Longevity, working lives, and public finances J Lassila, T Valkonen Contemporary Economic Policy 36 (3), 467-482, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
A study on R&D tax incentives B Straathof, E Gaillard-Ladinska, H Kox, R Mocking, I Goldberg, C Jensen, ... Final Report of the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Population ageing and fiscal sustainability in Finland: a stochastic analysis J Lassila, T Valkonen Bank of Finland Research Discussion Paper, 2008 | 18 | 2008 |
Ageing, demographic risks, and pension reform J Lassila, T Valkonen ETLA Discussion Papers, 2001 | 17 | 2001 |
The Finnish pension system and its future challenges T Valkonen Intereconomics 55 (2), 92-96, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
A retrospective evaluation of elements of the EU VAT system: Final report S Adam, D Phillips, S Smith, L Bettendorf, S Boeters, H Kox, B Straathof, ... TAXUD/2010/DE/328, FWC No. TAXUD/2010/CC/104, Institute for Fiscal Studies …, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
Prefunding in a defined benefit pension system: The Finnish case J Lassila, T Valkonen Social Security Pension Reform in Europe, 263-290, 2002 | 15 | 2002 |
Työeläkeuudistus 2017: vaikutukset työuriin, tulonjakoon ja julkisen talouden kestävyyteen J Lassila, N Määttänen, T Valkonen valtioneuvoston kanslia, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |