Axel Munnecke
Axel Munnecke
GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Loewenichstr. 28, D-91054 Erlangen
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Microfacies of carbonate rocks: analysis, interpretation and application
E Flügel, A Munnecke
springer 976, 2004, 2010
Ordovician and Silurian sea–water chemistry, sea level, and climate: a synopsis
A Munnecke, M Calner, DAT Harper, T Servais
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 296 (3-4), 389-413, 2010
The great Ordovician biodiversification event (GOBE): the palaeoecological dimension
T Servais, AW Owen, DAT Harper, B Kröger, A Munnecke
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 294 (3-4), 99-119, 2010
Questioning carbonate diagenetic paradigms: evidence from the Neogene of the Bahamas
LA Melim, H Westphal, PK Swart, GP Eberli, A Munnecke
Marine Geology 185 (1-2), 27-53, 2002
The Ireviken Event in the lower Silurian of Gotland, Sweden–relation to similar Palaeozoic and Proterozoic events
A Munnecke, C Samtleben, T Bickert
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 195 (1-2), 99-124, 2003
Revised correlation of Silurian Provincial Series of North America with global and regional chronostratigraphic units and δ13Ccarb chemostratigraphy
BD Cramer, CE Brett, MJ Melchin, P Maennik, MA Kleffner, PI McLaughlin, ...
Lethaia 44 (2), 185-202, 2011
Calcium isotope record of Phanerozoic oceans: Implications for chemical evolution of seawater and its causative mechanisms
J Farkaš, F Böhm, K Wallmann, J Blenkinsop, A Eisenhauer, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (21), 5117-5134, 2007
Paleoenvironmental changes in the Silurian indicated by stable isotopes in brachiopod shells from Gotland, Sweden
T Bickert, J Pätzold, C Samtleben, A Munnecke
Geochimica et cosmochimica Acta 61 (13), 2717-2730, 1997
The Ordovician Biodiversification: revolution in the oceanic trophic chain
T Servais, O Lehnert, JUN Li, GL Mullins, A Munnecke, A Nuetzel, ...
Lethaia 41 (2), 99-109, 2008
The formation of micritic limestones and the development of limestone-marl alternations in the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden
A Munnecke, C Samtleben
Facies 34, 159-176, 1996
The Silurian of Gotland (Sweden): facies interpretation based on stable isotopes in brachiopod shells
C Samtleben, A Munnecke, T Bickert, J Pätzold
Geologische Rundschau 85, 278-292, 1996
Understanding the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE): Influences of paleogeography, paleoclimate, or paleoecology
T Servais, DAT Harper, A Munnecke, AW Owen, PM Sheehan
GSa Today 19 (4), 4-10, 2009
Microspar development during early marine burial diagenesis: a comparison of Pliocene carbonates from the Bahamas with Silurian limestones from Gotland (Sweden)
A Munnecke, H Westphal, JJG Reijmer, C Samtleben
Sedimentology 44 (6), 977-990, 1997
The Silurian of Gotland—Part I: Review of the stratigraphic framework, event stratigraphy, and stable carbon and oxygen isotope development
M Calner, L Jeppsson, A Munnecke
Erlanger geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 5, 113-131, 2004
The onset of the ‘Ordovician Plankton Revolution’in the late Cambrian
T Servais, V Perrier, T Danelian, C Klug, R Martin, A Munnecke, H Nowak, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 458, 12-28, 2016
Development of facies and C/O-isotopes in transects through the Ludlow of Gotland: evidence for global and local influences on a shallow-marine environment
C Samtleben, A Munnecke, T Bickert
Facies 43, 1-38, 2000
Stable carbon isotope stratigraphy in the Ordovician of South China
A Munnecke, Y Zhang, X Liu, J Cheng
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 307 (1-4), 17-43, 2011
Graptoloid evolutionary rates track Ordovician–Silurian global climate change
RA Cooper, PM Sadler, A Munnecke, JS Crampton
Geological Magazine 151 (2), 349-364, 2014
Testing the limits of Paleozoic chronostratigraphic correlation via high-resolution (< 500 ky) integrated conodont, graptolite, and carbon isotope (δ13Ccarb …
BD Cramer, DK Loydell, C Samtleben, A Munnecke, D Kaljo, P Männik, ...
Bulletin 122 (9-10), 1700-1716, 2010
An assessment of the suitability of individual rhythmic carbonate successions for astrochronological application
H Westphal, F Hilgen, A Munnecke
Earth-Science Reviews 99 (1-2), 19-30, 2010
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