Norbert Caldera
Norbert Caldera
PhD, structural geology
在 uab.cat 的电子邮件经过验证
Recumbent folding in the Upper Cretaceous Eaux‐Chaudes massif: a Helvetic‐type nappe in the Pyrenees?
N Caldera, A Teixell, A Griera, P Labaume, A Lahfid
Terra Nova, 2021
Alpine Ductile Deformation of the Upper Iberian Collided Margin (Eaux‐Chaudes Massif, West‐Central Pyrenean Hinterland, France)
N Caldera, A Teixell, A Griera, P Labaume, M Guardia
Tectonics 42 (11), e2023TC007828, 2023
Alpine ductile deformation in the Mesozoic cover of the Axial Zone of the Pyrenees (Eaux-Chaudes massif).
N Caldera, A Teixell, A Griera, P Labaume, A Lahfid
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Rocas de falla en la base del manto de Somiedo (Zona Cantábrica, Orógeno Varisco)
N Caldera, SL Fúnez, JLA Alonso
Geotemas (Madrid), 483-486, 2016
The" XEGCat project"-The subsurface monitoring network for shallow geothermal research in urban areas of Catalonia
I Herms, G Arnó, V Camps, M Colomer, S Armengol, N Caldera, E Orriols, ...
EGU24, 2024
Multi-isotope (S, C, O and Sr) approach to the genesis of the Picachos Cu-(Ag) manto-type deposit, North-Central Chile
XC Isaac Corral, Lorena Ortega, Rubén Piña, Isabel Fanlo, Dídac Navarro ...
Goldschmidt 2023 Conference, 2023
Microstructure and paleotemperature record of the upper Cretaceous rocks from the Alpine collision in the western Pyrenean Axial Zone (Eaux-Chaudes fold nappe).
N Caldera, A Griera, MA López-Sánchez, M Guardia, P Labaume, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-14287, 2023
Conditions favouring fold vs. thrust nappes: insights from the modelling of a Pyrenean example and implications on hinge migration vs. limb stretching mechanisms
M Guardia, A Griera, B Kaus, A Piccolo, N Caldera, A Teixell
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-12099, 2023
Ductile deformation of the Pyrenean hinterland during the Alpine collision: The case of the proximal Iberian margin in the Eaux-Chaudes massif (west-central Pyrenees)
N Caldera
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2022
Pliegue recumbente dúctil (fold nappe) en el Cretácico superior del macizo de Eaux-Chaudes (Pirineos centro-occidentales)
N Caldera, AG i Artigas, P Labaume, M Guardia, A Lahfid, AT Cacharo
Geotemas (Madrid), 40, 2021
Control mecánico mediante modelización numérica 2D del desarrollo de pliegues recumbentes. Aplicación al macizo de Eaux-Chaudes (Pirineos)
M Guardia, AG i Artigas, N Caldera, B Kaus, A Piccolo, AT Cacharo
Geotemas (Madrid), 75, 2021
Deformation of the Upper Cretaceous carbonates from the Eaux-Chaudes massif (France): constraints from cathodoluminescence analysis
N Caldera, A Griera, M Guardia, JD Martín-Martín
Macla 25, 10-11, 2021
Deformation of multilayers. Why can it be so complex? Experimental evidences
E Druguet, J Carreras, LM Castaño, P Biermanns, N Caldera, H Checa, ...
Geotectonic Research 97 (1), 27-29, 2015
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