Elisabetta Ronchieri
Elisabetta Ronchieri
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The gLite workload management system
P Andreetto, S Andreozzi, G Avellino, S Beco, A Cavallini, M Cecchi, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 119 (6), 062007, 2008
Practical approaches to grid workload and resource management in the EGEE project
P Andreetto, S Borgia, A Dorigo, A Gianelle, M Mordacchini, M Sgaravatto, ...
CHEP04, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2004
On advance reservation of heterogeneous network paths
C Curti, T Ferrari, L Gommans, S Van Oudenaarde, E Ronchieri, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 21 (4), 525-538, 2005
CREAM: a simple, grid-accessible, job management system for local computational resources
P Andreetto, SA Borgia, A Dorigo, A Gianelle, M Marzolla, M Mordacchini, ...
CHEP 2006, Mumbay, India, 2006
WNoDeS, a tool for integrated Grid and Cloud access and computing farm virtualization
D Salomoni, A Italiano, E Ronchieri
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 331 (5), 052017, 2011
The DataGrid workload management system: Challenges and results
G Avellino, S Beco, B Cantalupo, A Maraschini, F Pacini, M Sottilaro, ...
Journal of Grid Computing 2, 353-367, 2004
The EU DataGrid Workload Management System: towards the second major release
G Avellino, S Barale, S Beco, B Cantalupo, D Colling, F Giacomini, ...
arXiv preprint cs/0306072, 2003
ETICS: the international software engineering service for the grid
AD Meglio, ME Bégin, P Couvares, E Ronchieri, E Takacs
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 119 (4), 042010, 2008
Build, configuration, integration and testing tools for large software projects: Etics
ME Bégin, GDA Sancho, A Di Meglio, E Ferro, E Ronchieri, M Selmi, ...
Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques: Third International …, 2007
Integrating GRID tools to build a computing resource broker: activities of DataGrid WP1
C Anglano, S Barale
International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics …, 2001
Performance of 10 gigabit ethernet using commodity hardware
M Bencivenni, D Bortolotti, A Carbone, A Cavalli, A Chierici, S Dal Pra, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57 (2), 630-641, 2010
On quality of service support for grid computing
D Colling, T Ferrari, Y Hassoun, C Huang, C Kotsokalis, AS McGough, ...
Grid Enabled Remote Instrumentation, 313-327, 2009
Towards predictive maintenance with machine learning at the INFN-CNAF computing centre
L Giommi, D Bonacorsi, T Diotalevi, SR Tisbeni, L Rinaldi, L Morganti, ...
Proceedings of international symposium on grids & clouds, 2019
Agreement-based workload and resource management
S Andreozzi, T Ferrar, E Ronchieri, S Monforte
First International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science'05 …, 2005
Metrics for software reliability: a systematic mapping study
E Ronchieri, M Canaparo
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 22 (2), 5-25, 2018
Adding instruments and workflow support to existing grid architectures
DJ Colling, LW Dickens, T Ferrari, Y Hassoun, CA Kotsokalis, M Krznaric, ...
Computational Science–ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Reading, UK …, 2006
Accessing Grid and Cloud services through a scientific web portal
M Bencivenni, D Michelotto, R Alfieri, R Brunetti, A Ceccanti, D Cesini, ...
Journal of Grid Computing 13, 159-175, 2015
StoRM-GPFS-TSM: A new approach to hierarchical storage management for the LHC experiments
A Cavalli, L Dell'Agnello, A Ghiselli, D Gregori, L Magnoni, B Martelli, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 219 (7), 072030, 2010
Exploring pandemics events on Twitter by using sentiment analysis and topic modelling
Z Qin, E Ronchieri
Applied Sciences 12 (23), 11924, 2022
Identifying anomaly detection patterns from log files: A dynamic approach
C Cavallaro, E Ronchieri
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2021: 21st International …, 2021
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