Abby Adler Mandel
Abby Adler Mandel
其他姓名Abby Danielle Adler
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Catholic University of America
在 cua.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
What changes in cognitive therapy for depression? An examination of cognitive therapy skills and maladaptive beliefs
AD Adler, DR Strunk, RH Fazio
Behavior therapy 46 (1), 96-109, 2015
Cognitive biases in three prediction tasks: A test of the cognitive model of depression
DR Strunk, AD Adler
Behaviour research and therapy 47 (1), 34-40, 2009
Assessing patients’ cognitive therapy skills: Initial evaluation of the competencies of cognitive therapy scale
DR Strunk, SN Hollars, AD Adler, LA Goldstein, JD Braun
Cognitive therapy and research 38, 559-569, 2014
Implementation of transdiagnostic cognitive therapy in community behavioral health: The Beck Community Initiative.
TA Creed, SA Frankel, RE German, KL Green, S Jager-Hyman, KP Taylor, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 84 (12), 1116, 2016
Looming maladaptive style as a moderator of risk factors for anxiety
AD Adler, DR Strunk
Cognitive Therapy and Research 34, 59-68, 2010
Homework completion, patient characteristics, and symptom change in cognitive processing therapy for PTSD
SW Stirman, CA Gutner, MK Suvak, A Adler, A Calloway, P Resick
Behavior Therapy 49 (5), 741-755, 2018
35 Cognitive Therapy of Depression
DR Strunk, AD Adler, SD Hollon
The Oxford handbook of mood disorders, 411, 2017
Testing a web-based, trained-peer model to build capacity for evidence-based practices in community mental health systems
RE German, A Adler, SA Frankel, SW Stirman, P Pinedo, AC Evans, ...
Psychiatric Services 69 (3), 286-292, 2018
Quality of coping skills predicts depressive symptom reactivity over repeated stressors
AD Adler, LR Conklin, DR Strunk
Journal of Clinical Psychology 69 (12), 1228-1238, 2013
A mixed methods approach to identify cognitive warning signs for suicide attempts
A Adler, A Bush, FK Barg, G Weissinger, AT Beck, GK Brown
Archives of Suicide Research 20 (4), 528-538, 2016
Cognitive therapy skills predict cognitive reactivity to sad mood following cognitive therapy for depression
DR Strunk, AD Adler, SN Hollars
Cognitive Therapy and Research 37, 1214-1219, 2013
Initial psychometric properties of the attentional fixation on suicide experiences questionnaire
A Adler, S Jager-Hyman, KL Green, GK Brown, AT Beck, A Wenzel
Cognitive Therapy and Research 39, 492-498, 2015
Facets of suicidal ideation
DA Jobes, AA Mandel, EM Kleiman, CJ Bryan, SL Johnson, TE Joiner
Archives of suicide research, 1-16, 2024
A qualitative investigation of barriers to seeking treatment for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among army soldiers with a deployment history
A Adler, S Jager-Hyman, GK Brown, T Singh, S Chaudhury, ...
Archives of Suicide Research, 2020
Revised attentional fixation on suicide experiences questionnaire and its relationship with suicidal ideation and behavior: A cross‐sectional study
AA Mandel, O Revzina, Z Jessani, GK Brown
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 52 (6), 1096-1109, 2022
Outcomes, skill acquisition, and the alliance: Similarities and differences between clinical trial and student therapists
LA Goldstein, ADA Mandel, RJ DeRubeis, DR Strunk
Behaviour research and therapy 129, 103608, 2020
Emotion‐related impulsivity and suicidal ideation: Towards a more specific model
S Anvar, BA Swerdlow, D Jobes, KR Timpano, AA Mandel, E Kleiman, ...
British journal of clinical psychology 61 (4), 1219-1235, 2022
A qualitative analysis of strategies for managing suicide-related events during deployment from the perspective of Army behavioral health providers, chaplains, and leaders
A Adler, S Chadhury, B Stanley, M Ghahramanlou-Holloway, A Bush, ...
Military Psychology 30 (2), 87-97, 2018
Dropping the Baby and Other Scary Thoughts: Breaking the Cycle of Unwanted Thoughts in Parenthood
K Kleiman, A Wenzel
Routledge, 2020
A test of invariance of the construct of suicidal ideation across three diverse samples
AA Mandel, EM Kleiman, S Johnson, ML Rogers, DA Jobes, T Joiner
Journal of affective disorders 329, 124-130, 2023
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