Veronique Forbes
Veronique Forbes
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Evidence for European presence in the Americas in ad 1021
M Kuitems, BL Wallace, C Lindsay, A Scifo, P Doeve, K Jenkins, ...
Nature 601 (7893), 388-391, 2022
Preliminary archaeoentomological analyses of permafrost-preserved cultural layers from the pre-contact Yup'ik Eskimo site of Nunalleq, Alaska: Implications, potential and …
V Forbes, K Britton, R Knecht
Environmental Archaeology 20 (2), 158-167, 2015
New horizons at L’Anse aux Meadows
PM Ledger, L Girdland-Flink, V Forbes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (31), 15341-15343, 2019
Contributions of ectoparasite studies in archaeology with two examples from the North Atlantic region
V Forbes, F Dussault, A Bain
International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (3), 158-164, 2013
A sub-centennial, Little Ice Age climate reconstruction using beetle subfossil data from Nunalleq, southwestern Alaska
V Forbes, PM Ledger, D Cretu, S Elias
Quaternary International 549, 118-129, 2020
Three generations under one roof? Bayesian modeling of radiocarbon data From Nunalleq, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
PM Ledger, V Forbes, E Masson-Maclean, C Hillerdal, WD Hamilton, ...
American Antiquity, 2018
Archaeoentomological Research in the North Atlantic: Past, Present, and Future
V Forbes, F Dussault, A Bain
Journal of the North Atlantic, 2014
Dating and Digging Stratified Archaeology in Circumpolar North America: A View from Nunalleq, Southwestern Alaska
PM Ledger, V Forbes, E Masson-MacLean, RA Knecht
Arctic 69 (4), 378-390, 2016
Insects, activity areas and turf buildings' interiors: An ethno-archaeoentomological case study from 19th to early 20th-century Þverá, northeast Iceland
V Forbes, K Milek
Quaternary International 341, 195-215, 2014
Insects, activity areas and turf buildings' interiors: An ethno-archaeoentomological case study from 19th to early 20th-century Þverá, northeast Iceland
V Forbes, K Milek
Quaternary international 341, 195-215, 2014
The life and death of barn beetles: faunas from manure and stored hay inside farm buildings in northern Iceland
V Forbes, AJ Dugmore, E Olafsson
Ecological Entomology 41 (4), 480-499, 2016
Reconstructing aspects of the daily life in late 19th and Early 20th-century Iceland: archaeoentomological analysis of the Vatnsfjörður farm, NW Iceland
V Forbes, A Bain, GA Gísladóttir, KB Milek
Archaeologia Islandica 8, 77-110, 2010
Duck fleas as evidence for eiderdown production on archaeological sites
V Forbes
Journal of Archaeological Science 61, 105-111, 2015
Paleoenvironmental Analyses from Nunalleq, Alaska Illustrate a Novel Means to Date Pre-Inuit and Inuit Archaeology
PM Ledger, V Forbes
Arctic Anthropology 56 (2), 39-51, 2019
Perspective of landscape change following early settlement (landnám) in Svalbarðstunga, northeastern Iceland
N Roy, J Woollett, N Bhiry, G Haemmerli, V Forbes, R Pienitz
Boreas 47 (2), 671-686, 2018
On the role of peat bogs as components of Indigenous cultural landscapes in Northern North America
J Speller, V Forbes
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 54 (1), 96-110, 2022
Coléoptères, poux et puces subfossiles provenant d’habitats de chasseurs-cueilleurs: l’apport des recherches archéoentomologiques dans le nord circumpolaire
V Forbes, F Dussault, O Lalonde, A Bain
Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 47 (2-3), 11-21, 2017
Evaluation of archaeoentomology for reconstructing rural life-ways and the process of modernisation in 19th and early 20th century Iceland
V Forbes
University of Aberdeen, 2013
Archaeoentomology at Tatsip Ataa: Evidence for the Use of Local Resources and Daily Life in the Norse Eastern Settlement, Greenland
F Dussault, V Forbes, A Bain
Journal of the North Atlantic 2014 (sp6), 14-28, 2014
Activity Areas or Conflict Episode? Interpreting the Spatial Patterning of Lice and Fleas at the Precontact Yup’ik Site of Nunalleq (Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries AD, Alaska)
V Forbes, JB Huchet, E McManus-Fry, YA Gómez Coutouly, ...
Études Inuit Studies 43 (1-2), 197-221, 2019
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