Andy Allan
What have we been looking at? A call for consistency in studies of primate vigilance
ATL Allan, RA Hill
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165 (Supplement S65), 4-22, 2018
Habituation is not neutral or equal: Individual differences in tolerance suggest an overlooked personality trait
ATL Allan, AL Bailey, RA Hill
Science advances 6 (28), eaaz0870, 2020
Anthropogenic influences on primate antipredator behavior and implications for research and conservation
LR LaBarge, RA Hill, CM Berman, SW Margulis, ATL Allan
American Journal of Primatology 82 (2), e23087, 2020
Reactive and pre-emptive spatial cohesion in a social primate
LR LaBarge, ATL Allan, CM Berman, SW Margulis, RA Hill
Animal Behaviour 163, 115-126, 2020
Foraging on human-derived foods by urban bird species
HN Støstad, P Aldwinckle, A Allan, KE Arnold
Bird study 64 (2), 178-186, 2017
Illuminating movement? Nocturnal activity patterns in chacma baboons
AM Ayers, ATL Allan, C Howlett, ASW Tordiffe, KS Williams, ST Williams, ...
Journal of Zoology 310 (4), 287-297, 2020
Consistency in the flight and visual orientation distances of habituated chacma baboons after an observed leopard predation. Do flight initiation distance methods always …
ATL Allan, AL Bailey, RA Hill
Ecology and evolution 11 (21), 15404-15416, 2021
Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups
LR LaBarge, ATL Allan, CM Berman, RA Hill, SW Margulis
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 75, 1-12, 2021
Intolerant baboons avoid observer proximity, creating biased inter-individual association patterns
ATL Allan, AF White, RA Hill
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8077, 2022
Cortisol metabolites vary with environmental conditions, predation risk, and human shields in a wild primate, Cercopithecus albogularis
LR LaBarge, ATL Allan, CM Berman, RA Hill, SW Margulis
Hormones and Behavior 145, 105237, 2022
Patterns of predation and meat-eating by chacma baboons in an Afromontane environment
ATL Allan, LR LaBarge, C Howlett, AL Bailey, B Jones, Z Mason, ...
Folia Primatologica 94 (1), 13-36, 2022
Definition and interpretation effects: how different vigilance definitions can produce varied results
ATL Allan, RA Hill
Animal Behaviour 180, 197-208, 2021
Behavioural compatibility, not fear, best predicts the looking patterns of chacma baboons
ATL Allan, LR LaBarge, AL Bailey, B Jones, Z Mason, T Pinfield, ...
Communications Biology 7 (1), 980, 2024
Keystone individuals–linking predator traits to community ecology
LR LaBarge, M Krofel, ML Allen, RA Hill, AJ Welch, ATL Allan
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2024
Temporal activity and detection rates of chilla (Lycalopex griseus) in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
ML Allen, ATL Allan
Ecology and Evolution 14 (6), e11586, 2024
The key vigilance and behavioural predictors of looking in a group of gray-footed chacma baboons exhibiting inter-individual differences in tolerance to observers
ATL Allan
Durham University, 2021
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