Manajemen Perbankan Menuju Bankir Konvensional yang Profesional IW Sudirman Jakarta: kencana, 2013 | 375 | 2013 |
Knowledge sharing behavior, antecedent and their impact on the individual innovation capability H Aulawi, I Sudirman, K Suryadi, R Govindaraju Journal of Applied Sciences Research 5 (12), 2238-2246, 2009 | 179 | 2009 |
Kebijakan Fiskal dan Moneter: Teori dan Empirikal IW Sudirman, SU SE Prenada Media, 2017 | 107 | 2017 |
Detection and properties of curvaticin 13, a bacteriocin-like substance produced byLactobacillus curvatus SB13 I Sudirman, F Mathieu, M Michel, G Lefebvre Current Microbiology 27 (1), 35-40, 1993 | 56 | 1993 |
Competencies for effective public middle managers I Sudirman, J Siswanto, J Monang, AN Aisha Journal of Management Development 38 (5), 421-439, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Technological and organizational factors influencing the e-commerce adoption by Indonesian SMEs YY Maryeni, R Govindaraju, B Prihartono, I Sudirman 2012 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology …, 2012 | 43 | 2012 |
Examining the role of usability, compatibility and social influence in mobile banking adoption in Indonesia HM Sitorus, R Govindaraju, II Wiratmadja, I Sudirman International Journal of Technology 10 (2), 351-362, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Implementing balanced scorecard in higher education management I Sudirman International Journal of business and social Science 3 (18), 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
Pengaruh kualitas layanan online terhadap kepuasan, komitmen, dan loyalitas nasabah internet banking di Kota Denpasar IMSAS Sudirman, IGAKG Suasana INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Dan Manajemen Indonesia 1 (4), 473-488, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
Faktor penyebab medication error di Instalasi Rawat Darurat RS Tajuddin, I Sudirman, A Maidin JURNAL MANAJEMEN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Kompetensi SDM dan kualitas pelayanan rumah sakit I Ratnamiasih, R Govindaraju, B Prihartono, I Sudirman Budhi 11 (1), 49-57, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Implications of IT Awareness and Digital Marketing to Product Distribution on the Performance of Makassar SMEs JB HALIK, DAS PARAWANSA, I SUDIRMAN Journal of Distribution Science 21 (7), 105-116, 2023 | 30 | 2023 |
Managing differences, interaction, and partnership quality in global inter-firm relationships: An empirical analysis on offshore IT outsourcing YY Wibisono, R Govindaraju, D Irianto, I Sudirman International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 12 (3), 730-754, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
The Design of Curriculum Development Based on Entrepreneurship through Balanced Scorecard Approach. M Hidayat, CI Musa, S Haerani, I Sudirman International Education Studies 8 (11), 123-138, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Literature review towards knowledge enablers which is assumed significantly influences ks behavior H Aulawi, I Sudirman, K Suryadi, R Govindaraju Journal of Applied Sciences Research 5 (12), 2262-2270, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
A competency model for SMEs in the creative economy AN Aisha, I Sudirman, J Siswanto, M Andriani International Journal of Business 24 (4), 369-392, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Knowledge sharing behavior, antecedent and its influence towards the company’s innovation capability H Aulawi, I Sudirman, K Suryadi, R Govindaraju 2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2008 | 27 | 2008 |
Influence factor of consumers interest on using E-money NW Mentari, IND Setiawina, IMKS Budhi, IW Sudirman International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 3 (2), 176-186, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
E-commerce adoption by Indonesian SMEs YY Maryeni, R Govindaraju, B Prihartono, I Sudirman Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 8 (14), 45-49, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Pengaruh Kurs Dollar Amerika Serikat, Inflasi, Dan Harga Ekspor Terhadap Nilai Ekspor Pakaian Jadi Indonesia N Yanti, IW Sudirman E-Journal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana 6 (3), 178-2303, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |