Kha Tu Huynh
Kha Tu Huynh
International University, Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
在 hcmiu.edu.vn 的电子邮件经过验证
A survey on image forgery detection techniques
TK Huynh, KV Huynh, T Le-Tien, SC Nguyen
The 2015 IEEE RIVF International Conference on Computing & Communication …, 2015
A robust algorithm of forgery detection in copy-move and spliced images
T Huynh-Kha, T Le-Tien, S Ha-Viet-Uyen, K Huynh-Van, M Luong
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (3), 2016
Nighttime vehicle detection and classification via headlights trajectories matching
TA Vu, LH Pham, TK Huynh, SVU Ha
2017 international conference on system science and engineering (ICSSE), 221-225, 2017
Applying peer-to-peer networks for decentralized customer-to-customer ecommerce model
TK Huynh, HD Le, S Van Nguyen, HM Tran
Future Data and Security Engineering. Big Data, Security and Privacy, Smart …, 2020
The efficiency of applying DWT and feature extraction into copy-move images detection
T Huynh-Kha, T Le-Tien, S Ha-Viet-Uyen, K Huynh-Van
2015 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications …, 2015
Combined Zernike moment and multiscale Analysis for tamper detection in digital images
T Le-Tien, T Huynh-Kha, L Pham-Cong-Hoan, A Tran-Hong, N Dey, ...
Informatica 41 (1), 2017
Performance of sampling/resampling-based particle filters applied to non-linear problems
N Ly-Tu, T Le-Tien, O Tran-Hoang-Thi, T Huynh-Kha, L Mai
REV Journal on Electronics and Communications 4 (3-4), 2016
AttendanceKit: a set of role-based mobile applications for automatic attendance checking with UHF RFID using realtime firebase and face recognition
TD Tran, KT Huynh, PQ Nguyen, TN Ly
International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering, 432-446, 2022
A Deep Trash Classification Model on Raspberry Pi 4.
TK Tran, KT Huynh, DN Le, M Arif, HM Dinh
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 35 (2), 2023
An efficient model for copy-move image forgery detection
KT Huynh, TN Ly, T Le-Tien
International Journal of Web Information Systems 18 (2/3), 181-195, 2022
Improving the accuracy in copy-move image detection: a model of sharpness and blurriness
KT Huynh, TN Ly, PT Nguyen
SN Computer Science 2 (4), 278, 2021
A Deep Learning Model of Traffic Signs in Panoramic Images Detection.
KT Huynh, TPL Le, M Arif, TK Tran
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 37 (1), 2023
performance analysis of automatic integrated long-range RFID and webcam system
MD Tran, KT Huynh, VH Pham, AT Phan, QK Nguyen, XPP Nguyen, ...
SN Computer Science 3 (6), 473, 2022
Drunkenness detection using a CNN with adding Gaussian noise and blur in the thermal infrared images
KT Huynh, HPT Nguyen
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 15 (4 …, 2022
Attendance monitoring using adjustable power UHF RFID and web-based real-time automated information system
QH Chiem, KT Huynh, MT Nguyen, MD Tran, XPP Nguyen, TN Ly
International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering, 392-407, 2021
Spliced image forgery detection based on the combination of image pre-processing and inception V3
TT Nguyen, KT Huynh
International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering, 308-322, 2021
An evaluation on the effective processing time of Raspberry Pi-3B-based embedded systems for determining forged images
T Le-Tien, T Huynh-Kha, T Nguyen-Thanh, T Pham-Duc, T Nguyen-Huu
2017 4th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, 213-218, 2017
Develop an algorithm for image forensics using feature comparison and sharpness estimation
HK Tu, HVU Synh, HT San, H Van Khoa
2017 International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing …, 2017
Block based technique for detecting copy-move digital image forgeries: Wavelet transform and zernike moments
T Le-Tien, LPCH Huynh-Kha, A Tran-Hong
The second international conference on electrical and electronic engineering …, 2016
Zernike Moment-Based Approach for Detecting Duplicated Image Regions by a Modified Method to Reduce Geometrical and Numerical Errors
T Le-Tien, T Huynh-Ngoc, T Huynh-Kha, L Marie
Computational Science and Its Applications--ICCSA 2015: 15th International …, 2015
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