Eval Edmizal
Eval Edmizal
在 fik.unp.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan teknik pukulan dropshot forehand atlet bulutangkis
I Gusrinaldi, R Irawan, Y Kiram, E Edmizal
Jurnal Patriot 2 (4), 1047-1060, 2020
Pelatihan tentang kondisi fisik cabang olahraga bulutangkis bagi pelatih bulutangkis se kota padang
E Edmizal, F Maifitri
Jurnal Berkarya Pengabdian Masyarakat 3 (1), 32-37, 2021
Concentration, eye coordination and agility: How they influence badminton playing skills
MNM Shapie, A Okilanda, E Edmizal, D Suryadi, MA Suganda
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 23 (12), 3309-3317, 2023
Pelatihan Dan Implementasi Kondisi Fisik Bagi Pelatih Bulutangkis Kota Padang
E Edmizal, D Donie, V Soniawan, F Maifitri
Wahana Dedikasi: Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan 2 (2), 20-25, 2019
Kecepatan Reaksi dan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Berkontribusi terhadap Kemampuan Footwork Bulutangkis
E Edmizal, D Donie, V Soniawan
Sporta Saintika 5 (2), 120-132, 2020
Improving local community knowledge and skills in homestay management
H Azwar, S Yudistira, E Edmizal
1st Progress in Social Science, Humanities and Education Research Symposium …, 2020
Analisis Pengembangan Agility Test Spesifik Bulutangkis
E Edmizal, V Soniawan, E Edmizal, ...
Jurnal Performa Olahraga 4 (01), 2528-6102, 2019
The effectiveness of footwork exercises with the HIIT method in developing VO2max and anaerobic capacity
D Donie, Y Kiram, H Hermanzoni, E Edmizal
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan 13 (2), 998-1005, 2021
An Analysis of the Soccer Passing Technique Skills
V Soniawan, Y Setiawan, E Edmizal
1st International Conference on Sport Sciences, Health and Tourism (ICSSHT …, 2021
An Analysis of the Soccer Passing Technique Skills. 35 (Icssht 2019), 20–23
V Soniawan, Y Setiawan, E Edmizal
Faktor-Faktor Yang
I Gusrinaldi, R Irawan, Y Kiram, E Edmizal
Badminton Specific Agility Test Development Analysis
E Edmizal, V Soniawan
Jurnal Performa Olahraga 4 (01), 13-18, 2019
Aktifitas fisik mahasiswa pada masa new normal
D Rahman, P Padli, E Edmizal, J Haryanto, D Tika
Jurnal Patriot 5 (1), 75-82, 2023
Meningkatan" Coaching Skill" Pelatih Bulutangkis Sumatera Barat Melalui Pendekatan BSDM (Badminton Skill Diagnosis Model) Berbasis Kinovea Software
D Donie, Y Setiawan, E Edmizal
Jurnal Humanities Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2 (2), 49-56, 2021
Muslimin.(2022). Badminton Skills Diagnostic Model (BSDM) Instrument Design: Based on Cybernetic Theory
Y Donie, Y AA, A Okilanda, E Edmizal
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 10 (6), 1178-1188, 0
Motivasi Atlet Bulutangkis PB. Hasta Yudha Padang
AM Muhammad, M Masrun, TH Sin, EE Edmizal
Gladiator 2 (2), 119-132, 2022
Development analysis of badminton specific agility test
E Edmizal, V Soniawan
1st Progress in Social Science, Humanities and Education Research Symposium …, 2020
Exploring the interplay: Hand muscular power, hip flexibility, and lob shot proficiency in badminton
E Edmizal, E Barlian, TH Sin, MA Ahmed, R Nugraha, A Okilanda, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 23 (12), 3318-3324, 2023
The Effect of Agility, Eye Coordination and Concentration on The Skills of Playing Badminton Athletes
H Halim, D Donie, R Yenes, AS Wahyuri, E Edmizal
Halaman Olahraga Nusantara: Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan 6 (1), 39-49, 2023
Pelaksanaan Pengukuran Tes Kecepatan Dan Kelincahan Atlet Kuantan Singingi
D Donie, R Irawan, R Yenes, AA Yudi, R Mardela, Y Setiawan, E Edmizal, ...
Wahana Dedikasi: Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan 5 (2), 197-202, 2022
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