Bruce W. Case
Bruce W. Case
Associate Professor, Pathology/ Epidemiology, McGill University
在 mcgill.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Differential expression of sumatriptan-sensitive 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors in human trigeminal ganglia and cerebral blood vessels.
I Bouchelet, ZVI Cohen, B Case, P Séguéla, E Hamel
Molecular Pharmacology 50 (2), 219-223, 1996
Mesothelioma and asbestos fiber type. Evidence from lung tissue analyses
JC McDonald, B Armstrong, B Case, D Doell, WTE McCaughey, ...
Cancer 63 (8), 1544-1547, 1989
Accuracy of urine cytology and the significance of an atypical category
F Brimo, RT Vollmer, B Case, A Aprikian, W Kassouf, M Auger
American journal of clinical pathology 132 (5), 785-793, 2009
Mesothelioma in Quebec chrysotile miners and millers: epidemiology and aetiology
AD McDonald, BW Case, A Churg, A Dufresne, GW Gibbs, P Sebastien, ...
The Annals of occupational hygiene 41 (6), 707-719, 1997
Respiratory cancer in chrysotile textile and mining industries: exposure inferences from lung analysis.
P Sebastien, JC McDonald, AD McDonald, B Case, R Harley
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 46 (3), 180-187, 1989
Applying definitions of “asbestos” to environmental and “low-dose” exposure levels and health effects, particularly malignant mesothelioma
BW Case, JL Abraham, G Meeker, FD Pooley, KE Pinkerton
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B 14 (1-4), 3-39, 2011
No contractile effect for 5‐HT1D and 5‐HT1F receptor agonists in human and bovine cerebral arteries: similarity with human coronary artery
I Bouchelet, B Case, A Olivier, E Hamel
British journal of pharmacology 129 (3), 501-508, 2000
Lung dust analysis in the assessment of past exposure of man-made mineral fibre workers
JC McDonald, BW Case, PE Enterline, V Henderson, M Plourde, ...
The Annals of occupational hygiene 34 (5), 427-441, 1990
Environmental and occupational exposures to chrysotile asbestos: a comparative microanalytic study.
BW Case, P Sebastien
Archives of environmental health 42 (4), 185-191, 1987
Fiber burden and asbestos-related lung disease: determinants of dose-response relationships.
MR Becklake, BW Case
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 150 (6), 1488-1492, 1994
Increased incidence of malignant melanoma of the skin in workers in a telecommunications industry.
L De Guire, G Theriault, H Iturra, S Provencher, D Cyr, BW Case
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 45 (12), 824-828, 1988
Asbestos effects on superoxide production: an in vitro study of hamster alveolar macrophages
BW Case, MPC Ip, M Padilla, J Kleinerman
Environmental research 39 (2), 299-306, 1986
Health effects of tremolite. Now and in the future.
BW Case
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 643, 491-504, 1991
Health effects of tremolite.
H Weill, JL Abraham, JR Balmes, BW Case
American Review of Respiratory Disease 142 (6), 1453-1458, 1990
Acute bronchiolar injury following nitrogen dioxide exposure: a freeze fracture study
BW Case, RE Gordon, J Kleinerman
Environmental research 29 (2), 399-413, 1982
Biological indicators of chrysotile exposure.
BW Case
The Annals of occupational hygiene 38 (4), 503-18, 410, 1994
Acute NO2 Effects on Penetration and Transport of Horseradish Peroxidase in Hamster Respiratory Epithelium
RE Gordon, BW Case, J Kleinerman
American Review of Respiratory Disease 128 (3), 528-533, 1983
Mesothelioma among workers in asbestiform fiber-bearing talc mines in New York State
MJ Hull, JL Abraham, BW Case
Annals of Occupational Hygiene 46 (suppl_1), 132-135, 2002
Occupational exposure to asbestos and man-made vitreous fibers, and risk of lung cancer: evidence from two case-control studies in Montreal, Canada
J Pintos, ME Parent, MC Rousseau, BW Case, J Siemiatycki
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 50 (11), 1273-1281, 2008
Fibre Levels in Lung and Correlation With Air Samples
B Case, P Sebastien
IARC Sci Publ . 90, 207-218, 1989
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