Muhammad Mubashar Dogar
Muhammad Mubashar Dogar
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Hokkaido University, Japan
在 ees.hokudai.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Study of the global and regional climatic impacts of ENSO magnitude using SPEEDY AGCM
MM Dogar, F Kucharski, S Azharuddin
Journal of Earth System Science 126 (2), 30, 2017
Sensitivity of the regional climate in the Middle East and North Africa to volcanic perturbations
MM Dogar, G Stenchikov, S Osipov, B Wyman, M Zhao
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (15), 7922-7948, 2017
The possible physical mechanism for the EAP–SR co-action
Z Gong, G Feng, MM Dogar, G Huang
Climate Dynamics 51, 1499-1516, 2018
Analysis of climate trends and leading modes of climate variability for MENA region
MM Dogar, T Sato
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (23), 13,074-13,091, 2018
Regional climate response of Middle Eastern, African, and South Asian monsoon regions to explosive volcanism and ENSO forcing
MM Dogar, T Sato
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (14), 7580-7598, 2019
Towards understanding the global and regional climatic impacts of Modoki magnitude
MM Dogar, F Kucharski, T Sato, S Mehmood, S Ali, Z Gong, D Das, ...
Global and Planetary Change 172, 223-241, 2019
Assessment and correction of BCC_CSM's performance in capturing leading modes of summer precipitation over North Asia
Z Gong, MM Dogar, S Qiao, P Hu, G Feng
Wiley, 2017
Impact of tropical volcanic eruptions on Hadley circulation using a high-resolution AGCM
MM Dogar
Current Science 114 (6), 1284-1294, 2018
Variability and predictability of summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan
M Adnan, F Khan, N Rehman, S Ali, SS Hassan, MM Dogar, S Mehmood, ...
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 57 (1), 89-97, 2021
Limitations of BCC_CSM's ability to predict summer precipitation over East Asia and the Northwestern Pacific
Z Gong, MMA Dogar, S Qiao, P Hu, G Feng
Atmospheric Research 193, 184-191, 2017
Variation of main rainy‐season precipitation in eastern China and relevance to regional warming
L Liu, X Wang, G Feng, MM Dogar, F Zhang, G Zhiqiang, B Zhou
International Journal of Climatology 41 (3), 1767-1783, 2021
Joint effect of East Asia-Pacific and Eurasian teleconnections on the summer precipitation in North Asia
P Hu, G Feng, MM Dogar, J Cheng, Z Gong
Journal of Meteorological Research 34 (3), 559-574, 2020
A review of El Niño Southern Oscillation linkage to strong volcanic eruptions and post-volcanic winter warming
MM Dogar, L Hermanson, AA Scaife, D Visioni, M Zhao, I Hoteit, HF Graf, ...
Earth Systems and Environment 7 (1), 15-42, 2023
Ocean sensitivity to periodic and constant volcanism
MM Dogar, T Sato, F Liu
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 293, 2020
Revisiting the strong and weak ENSO teleconnection impacts using a high-resolution atmospheric model
MMA Dogar, M Almazroui
Atmospheric Environment 270, 118866, 2022
The mechanism of EAP-EU combined impact on summer rainfall over North Asia
P Hu, J Cheng, G Feng, MMA Dogar, Z Gong
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 142, 117-128, 2020
Study of the global and regional climatic impacts of ENSO magnitude using SPEEDY AGCM. J Earth Syst Sci 126: 30
MM Dogar, F Kucharski, S Azharuddin
Study of the regional climatic impacts of tropical explosive volcanism in the Middle East and North Africa region
MMA Dogar
北海道大学, 2020
The sensitivity of ocean temperature, heat content, sea-level rise, and Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to periodic and constant volcanic forcing
MMA Dogar, A Shahid
Ocean sciences meeting 2020, 2020
Sensitivity of Hadley circulation to volcanic radiative forcing
MMA Dogar, A Shahid
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, A53M-2672, 2018
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