Nikolas Pautz
Nikolas Pautz
在 ntu.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
The use of parametric effect sizes in single study musculoskeletal physiotherapy research: A practical primer
N Pautz, B Olivier, F Steyn
Physical Therapy in Sport 32, 87-97, 2018
Investigating the interaction between disability and depressive symptoms in the era of widespread access to ART.
H Myezwa, J Hanass-Hancock, N Pautz, R Smith, B Carpenter
A coauthorship analysis of internationalization in political psychology through the lens of ISPP dissemination activities
M Quayle, N Pautz, B Mhlongo
Political Psychology 41 (5), 901-921, 2020
Organisational voice and employee‐focused voice: Two distinct voice forms and their effects on burnout and innovative behavior
H Shipton, N Kougiannou, H Do, A Minbashian, N Pautz, D King
Human Resource Management Journal 34 (1), 177-196, 2024
Investigating the interaction between human immunodeficiency virus, nutrition, and disability: A cross-sectional observational study
H Myezwa, J Hanass-Hancock, N Pautz
African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine 10 (1), 1-8, 2018
Learning styles in physiotherapy and occupational therapy students: An exploratory study
B Olivier, L Jacobs, V Naidoo, N Pautz, R Smith, P Barnard-Ashton, ...
South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 51 (2), 39-48, 2021
Talking about voice: employees' experiences
H Shipton, D King, N Pautz, L Baczor
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2019
Biotechnology, life sciences and skills in D2N2: A report for Learn Direct and the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership
W Rossiter, DJ Smith, N Pautz, D McDonald-Junor
Economic Strategy Research Bureau, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham …, 2018
Evaluating earwitness identification procedures: adapting pre-parade instructions and parade procedure
HMJ Smith, J Roeser, N Pautz, JP Davis, J Robson, D Wright, N Braber, ...
Memory 31 (1), 147-161, 2023
Identifying unfamiliar voices: Examining the system variables of sample duration and parade size
N Pautz, K McDougall, K Mueller-Johnson, F Nolan, A Paver, HMJ Smith
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (12), 2804-2822, 2023
Identifying unfamiliar voices: the influence of sample duration and parade size.
N Pautz, HMJ Smith, K Mueller-Johnson, FJ Nolan, A Paver, K McDougall
PsyArXiv, 2021
Voice parade parameters: Investigating the effect of parade size and voice sample duration on earwitness identification accuracy.
A Paver, HMJ Smith, N Pautz, K McDougall, K Mueller-Johnson, F Nolan
‘Is he a barrister or not?’: a study on perceived and actual accentism at the Bar of England and Wales
N Braber, J Ching, J Jarman, O Stevens, J Robson, N Pautz
International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 31 (1), 2024
Is it possible to identify a criminal by voice alone?
H Smith, N Pautz, K Mueller-Johnson
Frontiers for Young Minds 9, 2021
Individual Differences in Lexical Repetition Priming
N Pautz, K Durrheim
Experimental Psychology, 2021
Time to reflect on voice parades: The influence of reflection and retention interval duration on earwitness performance
N Pautz, K McDougall, K Mueller‐Johnson, F Nolan, A Paver, HMJ Smith
Applied Cognitive Psychology 38 (1), e4162, 2024
An investigation of the effect of warning strength on voice parade performance
K McDougall, N Pautz, P Goodwin, F Nolan, K Müller-Johnson, A Paver, ...
31st IAFPA Conference, 25, 2023
Comparing serial and sequential earwitness parades in an online experiment
P Goodwin, HMJ Smith, N Pautz
OSF, 2023
Warning earwitnesses against misidentifications on serial and sequential voice parades
H Smith, N Pautz, P Goodwin, A Paver, F Nolan, K Mcdougall
The impact of reflection and retention intervals on earwitness accuracy: two experiments
F Nolan, N Pautz, K McDougall, K Müller-Johnson, H Smith, A Paver
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