Philippe Monmousseau
Philippe Monmousseau
在 datafolio.io 的电子邮件经过验证
Impact of Covid-19 on passengers and airlines from passenger measurements: Managing customer satisfaction while putting the US Air Transportation System to sleep
P Monmousseau, A Marzuoli, E Feron, D Delahaye
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 7, 100179, 2020
Predicting and analyzing US air traffic delays using passenger-centric data-sources
P Monmousseau, A Marzuoli, E Feron, D Delahaye
Thirteenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development …, 2019
Scheduling of a Constellation of Satellites: Creating a Mixed-Integer Linear Model
P Monmousseau
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1-28, 2021
Door-to-door travel time analysis from Paris to London and Amsterdam using Uber data
P Monmousseau, D Delahaye, A Marzuoli, E Feron
Ninth SESAR Innovation Days, Athens, Greece, 2019
Passenger-centric metrics for Air Transportation leveraging mobile phone and Twitter data
A Marzuoli, P Monmousseau, E Feron
2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 588-595, 2018
Predicting Passenger Flow at Charles De Gaulle Airport Security Checkpoints
P Monmousseau, G Jarry, F Bertosio, D Delahaye, M Houalla
2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics …, 2020
Passengers on social media: A real-time estimator of the state of the US air transportation system
P Monmousseau, A Marzuoli, E Feron, D Delahaye
Air Traffic Management and Systems IV: Selected Papers of the 6th ENRI …, 2021
Putting the Air Transportation System to sleep: a passenger perspective measured by passenger-generated data
P Monmousseau, A Marzuoli, E Feron, D Delahaye
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.14372, 2020
Scheduling of a Constellation of Satellites: Improving a Simulated Annealing Model by Creating a Mixed-Integer Linear Model
P Monmousseau
Door-to-door Air Travel Time Analysis in the United States using Uber Data
P Monmousseau, D Delahaye, A Marzuoli, E Feron
2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics …, 2020
Doorway to the United States: An Exploration of Customs and Border Protection Data
P Monmousseau, A Marzuoli, C Bosson, E Feron, D Delahaye
2019 IEEE/AIAA 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-9, 2019
Experimental allocation of safety-critical applications on reconfigurable multi-core architecture
L Sutter, T Khamvilai, P Monmousseau, JB Mains, E Feron, P Baufreton, ...
2018 IEEE/AIAA 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-10, 2018
Towards a more complete view of air transportation performance combining on-time performance and passenger sentiment
P Monmousseau, S Puechmorel, D Delahaye, A Marzuoli, E Feron
9th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT’20), 2020
Analyzing and comparing door-to-door travel times for air transportation using aggregated Uber data
P Monmousseau, A Marzuoli, E Feron, D Delahaye
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.08852, 2021
Passengers: customers, actors and sensors of the air transportation system
P Monmousseau
Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III, 2020
Les passagers: clients, acteurs et capteurs du transport aérien
P Monmousseau
Université de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, 2020
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