Dr. Muhammad  Naufal Mansor
Jaundice in newborn monitoring using color detection method
MN Mansor, S Yaacob, M Hariharan, SN Basah, SA Jamil, MLM Khidir, ...
Procedia Engineering 29, 1631-1635, 2012
Coma patients expression analysis under different lighting using k-NN and LDA
MN Mansor, S Yaacob, R Nagarajan, H Muthusamy
International Journal of Signal and Image Processing (IJSIP) 1 (4), 249-254, 2010
New newborn jaundice monitoring scheme based on combination of pre-processing and color detection method
MN Mansor, M Hariharan, SN Basah, S Yaacob
Neurocomputing 120, 258-261, 2013
PCA-based feature extraction and k-NN algorithm for early jaundice detection
MN Mansor, S Yaacob, H Muthusamy, S Nisha
System 1 (1), 25-29, 2011
Employee retention in the Malaysian banking industry: Do flexible practices work?
M Mansor, A Idris
South African Journal of Business Management 46 (1), 1-9, 2015
A computational model of the infant pain impressions with Gaussian and nearest mean classifier
MN Mansor, MN Rejab
2013 IEEE International Conference on control system, computing and …, 2013
Detection of facial changes for icu patients using knn classifier
MN Mansor, S Yaacob, R Nagarajan, LS Che, M Hariharan, M Ezanuddin
2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, 1-5, 2010
Extended median filter for salt and pepper noise in image
B Charmouti, AK Junoh, WZAW Muhamad, MN Mansor, MZ Hasan, ...
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (22), 12914-12918, 2017
Safety system based on linear discriminant analysis
AK Junoh, MN Mansor
2012 International Symposium on Instrumentation & Measurement, Sensor …, 2012
Patient monitoring in ICU under unstructured lighting condition
MNB Mansor, S Yaacob, R Nagarajan, M Hariharan
2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA), 608-611, 2010
Patients facial expressions analysis under different angle in intensive care unit
MN Mansor, S Yaacob, R Nagarajan, H Muthusamy
Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ), NnN Net …, 2011
Crime Detection with DCT and artificial intelligent approach
AK Junoh, MN Mansor, AM Ya'acob, FA Adnan, SA Saad, NM Yazid
Advanced Materials Research 816, 610-615, 2013
Patients Tremble Analysis under different Different Camera Placement in Critical Care
MN Mansor, S Yaacob, R Nagarajan, H Muthusamy
International Journal of Research and Reviews in Soft and Intelligence …, 2011
Patient Monitoring for Hospital ICU Patients under unstructed lighting
MN Mansor, S Yaacob, R Nagarajan, M Hariharan
IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA 2010), 2010
Infant pain recognition system with glcm features and gann under unstructed lighting condition
MN Mansor, MN Rejab
2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2013
Automatically infant pain recognition based on LDA classifier
MN Mansor, SHF Syam, MN Rejab
2012 International Symposium on Instrumentation & Measurement, Sensor …, 2012
Fast infant pain detection method
MN Mansor, SHFSA Jamil, AK Junoh, MN Rejab, AHFSA Jamil, J Ahmad
2012 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering …, 2012
Aquaponic Ecosystem Monitoring with IOT Application
MN Mansor, MZ Hasan, MMMA Kader, WA Mustafa, SA Saidi, MA Jamlos, ...
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology …, 2023
Development of a multi-fan system (MFS) in a plant factory with artificial light
MMMA Kader, ZB Razali, WA Mustafa, MN Mansor, AAN Gunny, ...
2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 269-274, 2022
Entropy virus microscopy images recognition via neural network classifiers
AA Shakri, SA Saidi, H Jaafar, MN Mansor, WA Mustafa, AK Junoh
2017 7th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2017
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