Andre Vieira do Nascimento
Genotoxic and mutagenic effects of passive smoking and urban air pollutants in buccal mucosa cells of children enrolled in public school
DNC Cavalcante, JCV Sposito, BA Crispim, AV Nascimento, AB Grisolia
Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 27 (5), 346-351, 2017
Genome-wide scan reveals population stratification and footprints of recent selection in Nelore cattle
DF Cardoso, LG de Albuquerque, C Reimer, S Qanbari, M Erbe, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 50, 1-12, 2018
Genome-wide association study applied to type traits related to milk yield in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
JLG Guzman, SF Lázaro, AV do Nascimento, DJ de Abreu Santos, ...
Journal of dairy science 103 (2), 1642-1650, 2020
Identification of genomic regions related to age at first calving and first calving interval in water buffalo using single‐step GBLUP
FR de Araujo Neto, L Takada, DJA Dos Santos, RR Aspilcueta‐Borquis, ...
Reproduction in Domestic Animals 55 (11), 1565-1572, 2020
Genome wide association study on early puberty in Bos indicus
AV Nascimento, MC Matos, LO Seno, AR Romero, JF Garcia, AB Grisolia
Genet. Mol. Res 15, 1-6, 2016
Genomic studies of milk-related traits in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) based on single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction and random regression models
SF Lázaro, H Tonhati, HR Oliveira, AA Silva, AV Nascimento, DJA Santos, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 104 (5), 5768-5793, 2021
Genome-wide association study using haplotype alleles for the evaluation of reproductive traits in Nelore cattle
AV Nascimento, ÂRS Romero, YT Utsunomiya, ATH Utsunomiya, ...
PLoS One 13 (8), e0201876, 2018
Inbreeding coefficients and runs of homozygosity islands in Brazilian water buffalo
AV Nascimento, DF Cardoso, DJA Santos, ARS Romero, DCB Scalez, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 104 (2), 1917-1927, 2021
Polymorphisms in TLR4 Gene Associated With Somatic Cell Score in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
V Roldan-Montes, DF Cardoso, NA Hurtado-Lugo, AV do Nascimento, ...
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7, 568249, 2020
Genome-wide association studies for growth traits in buffaloes using the single step genomic BLUP
FR de Araujo Neto, DJA Santos, GA Fernandes Junior, ...
Journal of Applied Genetics 61, 113-115, 2020
Prospecting genes associated with navel length, coat and scrotal circumference traits in Canchim cattle
AR da Silva Romero, F Siqueira, GG Santiago, LC de Almeida Regitano, ...
Livestock Science 210, 33-38, 2018
Avaliação de protocolos para extração de DNA Genômico de sangue Bovino
B do Amaral Crispim, A Vieira Nascimento, ÂR Romero da Silva, ...
Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society 7 (2), 95-103, 2016
Manifesto em defesa da justiça e constitucionalidade das cotas
Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo 14, 2008
Genetic parameters and multi-trait genomic prediction for hemoparasites infection levels in cattle
AR da Silva Romero, AV do Nascimento, MC de Sena Oliveira, CH Okino, ...
Livestock Science 273, 105259, 2023
Genomic study of the resilience of buffalo cows to a negative energy balance
FR de Araujo Neto, JCG Dos Santos, CD da Silva Arce, RRA Borquis, ...
Journal of Applied Genetics 63 (2), 379-388, 2022
Prediction of genomic breeding values of milk traits in Brazilian Saanen goats
DR de Sousa, AV do Nascimento, RNB Lobo
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 138 (5), 541-551, 2021
Expression profile of the CSF3 and LPO genes in milk from buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) with and without mastitis
AAS Stella, LFS Fonseca, DFJ Gimenez, F Tanamati, AV do Nascimento, ...
Molecular and cellular probes 41, 39-42, 2018
Genetic parameters and genome-wide association studies for mozzarella and milk production traits, lactation length, and lactation persistency in Murrah buffaloes
SF Lázaro, H Tonhati, HR Oliveira, AA Silva, DCB Scalez, AV Nascimento, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 107 (2), 992-1021, 2024
An updated Axiom buffalo genotyping array map and mapping of cattle quantitative trait loci to the new water buffalo reference genome assembly
AV Nascimento, ARS Romero, MY Nawaz, DF Cardoso, DJA Santos, ...
Animal Genetics 52 (4), 505-508, 2021
The Token Economy: Assets for the Blockchain Era
DRD Santos, MA Sanfins, A Nascimento, P Nacif
Global Media Journal 18, 36, 2020
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