Maria Sagot
Maria Sagot
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Effects of roost specialization on extinction risk in bats
M Sagot, G Chaverri
Conservation Biology 29 (6), 1666-1673, 2015
The evolution of group stability and roost lifespan: Perspectives from tent‐roosting bats
M Sagot, RD Stevens
Biotropica 44 (1), 90-97, 2012
Social calls produced within and near the roost in two species of tent-making bats, Dermanura watsoni and Ectophylla alba
EH Gillam, G Chaverri, K Montero, M Sagot
PLoS One 8 (4), e61731, 2013
The importance of group vocal behaviour in roost finding
M Sagot, CR Schöner, AJ Jago, I Razik, G Chaverri
Animal Behaviour 142, 157-164, 2018
Macro and Microhabitat Associations of the Peter's Tent‐Roosting Bat (Uroderma bilobatum): Human‐Induced Selection and Colonization?
M Sagot, B Rodríguez‐Herrera, RD Stevens
Biotropica 45 (4), 511-519, 2013
Human‐modified habitats change patterns of population genetic structure and group relatedness in Peter's tent‐roosting bats
M Sagot, CD Phillips, RJ Baker, RD Stevens
Ecology and Evolution 6 (17), 6050-6063, 2016
The energetics of social signaling during roost location in Spix's disc-winged bats
G Chaverri, NI Sandoval-Herrera, P Iturralde-Pólit, A Romero-Vásquez, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (14), jeb238279, 2021
Same-sex courtship behaviors in male-biased populations: evidence for the mistaken identity hypothesis
A Macchiano, I Razik, M Sagot
acta ethologica 21, 147-151, 2018
Contact calling in context: intra-and intergroup variation in vocalization rates depend on a call’s function
G Chaverri, YG Araya-Ajoy, M Sagot
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74, 1-9, 2020
Effects of temperature and day length on daily movements and home range of Glaucomys volans (southern flying squirrel) in the Northeastern United States
ML Nelson, M Sagot
Northeastern Naturalist 25 (3), 383-390, 2018
Noteworthy record of Crawford's desert shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi) from southern Nevada
RW Manning, MR Heaney, M Sagot, RJ Baker
The Southwestern Naturalist, 145-147, 2014
Tent use in Pentagonia donnellsmithii (Rubiaceae) by Vampyressa pusilla (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Costa Rica
B Rodríguez-H, S Rodríguez-Brenes, M Sagot
Bat Research News 42, 49, 2001
Effects of range, habitat and roosting ecology in patterns of group association in bats
M Sagot
Sociality in bats, 247-259, 2016
Geographic variation of contact calls suggest distinct modes of vocal transmission in a leaf-roosting bat
BK Montero, M Sagot, CD Phillips, RJ Baker, EH Gillam
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72, 1-13, 2018
Calling to the collective: contact calling rates within groups of disc-winged bats do not vary by kinship or association
G Chaverri, M Sagot, JL Stynoski, M Araya-Salas, Y Araya-Ajoy, M Nagy, ...
Philosophical Transactions B 379 (1905), 20230195, 2024
Vocal behavior and the use of social information during roost finding
M Sagot, G Giacomini, S Chaves-Ramírez, HA Hernández-Pinsón, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 905925, 2022
Group vocal composition and decision-making during roost finding in Spix’s disk-winged bats
M Sagot, N Rose, G Chaverri
Philosophical Transactions B 379 (1905), 20230187, 2024
Aggressive vocalizations during intergroup interactions in roost defense in the Spix's disk‐winged bat
S Chaves‐Ramírez, M Sagot, M Sánchez‐Chavarría, G Chaverri
Ethology 129 (10), 541-550, 2023
Vertebrate species richness at littoral beaver lodges in a temperate artificial pond
I Razik, M Sagot
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11 (2), 422-429, 2020
Development and characterization of seventeen microsatellite loci for the Peter’s tent-roosting bat (Uroderma bilobatum)
M Sagot, CD Phillips, RD Stevens, RJ Baker
Conservation Genetics Resources 6, 87-89, 2014
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