PK Raju
Teaching real‐world issues through case studies
PK Raju, CS Sankar
Journal of Engineering Education 88 (4), 501-508, 1999
Acoustically induced stresses in elastic cylinders and their visualization
HD Dardy, L Flax, CF Gaumond, JV Subrahmanyam, S Ashrafi, PK Raju, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 82 (4), 1378-1385, 1987
Let them play: the impact of mechanics and dynamics of a serious game on student perceptions of learning engagement
Y Wang, P Rajan, CS Sankar, PK Raju
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 10 (4), 514-525, 2016
Measurement of transmission loss of panels by the direct determination of transmitted acoustic intensity
MJ Crocker, PK Raju, B Forssen
Noise Control Engineering 17 (1), 6-11, 1981
The future of STEM education: An analysis of two national reports
PK Raju, A Clayson
Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 11 (5), 2010
Identification of factors that lead to perceived learning improvements for female students
VW Mbarika, CS Sankar, PK Raju
IEEE transactions on education 46 (1), 26-36, 2003
Quantification of cavitation and gapping of lumbar zygapophyseal joints during spinal manipulative therapy
GD Cramer, K Ross, PK Raju, J Cambron, JA Cantu, P Bora, ...
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 35 (8), 614-621, 2012
Use of case studies in engineering education: Assessment of changes in cognitive skills
CS Sankar, V Varma, PK Raju
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 134 (3 …, 2008
Importance of learning-driven constructs on perceived skill development when using multimedia instructional materials
VW Mbarika, CS Sankar, PK Raju, J Raymond
Journal of Educational Technology Systems 29 (1), 67-87, 2000
A study on the impact of gpa on perceived improvement of higher‐order cognitive skills
RV Bradley, CS Sankar, HR Clayton, VW Mbarika, PK Raju
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 5 (1), 151-168, 2007
Circumferential waves on an immersed, fluid-filled elastic cylindrical shell
XL Bao, PK Raju, H Überall
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105 (5), 2704-2709, 1999
Evaluating the relationship among cavitation, zygapophyseal joint gapping, and spinal manipulation: an exploratory case series
GD Cramer, K Ross, J Pocius, JA Cantu, E Laptook, M Fergus, ...
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 34 (1), 2-14, 2011
Application of the method of moments to acoustic scattering from multiple bodies of arbitrary shape
SM Rao, PK Raju
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 86 (3), 1143-1148, 1989
Developing leadership skills in introduction to engineering courses through multi-media case studies
CS Sankar, B Kawulich, H Clayton, PK Raju
Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 11 (3), 2010
The splitting of dispersion curves for plates fluid-loaded on both sides
XL Bao, H Franklin, PK Raju, H Überall
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 102 (2), 1246-1248, 1997
Perceived role of multimedia instructional materials on multicriteria technology and engineering decisions
VW Mbarika, CS Sankar, PK Raju
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 1 (2), 225-257, 2003
Use of presage-pedagogy-process-product model to assess the effectiveness of case study methodology in achieving learning outcomes
CS Sankar, PK Raju
Journal of STEM education: Innovations and research 12 (7), 2011
A curriculum to enhance decision-making skills of technical personnel working in teams
PK Raju, CS Sankar, Y Xue
European Journal of Engineering Education 29 (3), 437-450, 2004
Distribution of cavitations as identified with accelerometry during lumbar spinal manipulation
GD Cramer, JK Ross, PK Raju, JA Cambron, JM Dexheimer, P Bora, ...
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 34 (9), 572-583, 2011
Active vibration control using wave control concepts
J Liu
J. Sound Vib. 134 (2), 364-368, 1989
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