Dimuthu Rathnayake
Health system performance and health system preparedness for the post-pandemic impact of COVID-19: A review
D Rathnayake, M Clarke, VI Jayasinghe
International Journal of Healthcare Management 14 (1), 250-254, 2021
Patient prioritisation methods to shorten waiting times for elective surgery: a systematic review of how to improve access to surgery
D Rathnayake, M Clarke, V Jayasinghe
PLoS One 16 (8), e0256578, 2021
The effectiveness of different patient referral systems to shorten waiting times for elective surgeries: systematic review
D Rathnayake, M Clarke
BMC health services research 21 (155), 1-13, 2021
WHO guidance on research methods for health emergency and disaster risk management, revised 2022
World Health Organization
World Health Organization, 2022
Hospital surge capacity: The importance of better hospital pre-planning to cope with patient surge during dengue epidemics–A systematic review
D Rathnayake, M Clarke, L Jayasooriya
International Journal of Healthcare Management 14 (3), 723-730, 2021
Response of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Sri Lanka to an unexpected dengue epidemic in 2017
D Rathnayake, A Wijewickrama, K Aluthge
Ceylon Medical Journal 63 (3), 108-112, 2018
Perioperative time-management methods to reduce waiting times for elective surgery: a systematic review
D Rathnayake, M Clark, V Jayasinghe, V Udayanga, E Qudairat
British Journal of Healthcare Management 28 (12), 1-8, 2022
A systematic approach to reduce hospital food waste based on patient experience
D Rathnayake, S Dalpatadu
British Journal of Healthcare Management 26 (10), 1-7, 2020
Introduce new paper-based outpatient morbidity recording system to outpatient departments of public hospitals in Sri Lanka: feasibility study
D Rathnayake, C Wikramasinghe, C Weerabaddana
Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy 3, 2019
The effectiveness of different patient referral methods on waiting times for adults needing elective surgery-Systematic review
D Rathnayake, M Clarke
BMC Health Services Research 21 (155), 2020
Improving access to surgery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review of the effects of outsourcing elective surgeries to private-sector health service …
D Rathnayake, M Clarke, V Jayasinghe
Major challenges to health system performances in the aftermath of COVID-19 with a focus on longer waiting time for elective surgery and vaccine hesitancy in health care staff
RM Rathnayake
Queen's University Belfast, 2022
WHO guidance on research methods for health emergency and disaster risk management, revised 2022
WH Organization
The effectiveness of different patient referral systems to shorten waiting times for elective surgeries: systematic review
D Rathnayake, M Clarke
BMC health services research 21, 1-13, 2021
4.1 Basic principles in designing studies to assess the effects of interventions
D Rathnayake
WHO guidance on research methods for health emergency and disaster risk …, 2021
Efficient perioperative time-management methods for operating theatres: a systematic review showing how to reduce overall patient waiting times for elective surgery
D Rathnayake
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