Ingo Bax
Ingo Bax
Qualcomm A.I. Research
在 bax.at 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
The" something something" video database for learning and evaluating visual common sense
R Goyal, S Ebrahimi Kahou, V Michalski, J Materzynska, S Westphal, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 5842-5850, 2017
The jester dataset: A large-scale video dataset of human gestures
J Materzynska, G Berger, I Bax, R Memisevic
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Multimodal interaction in an augmented reality scenario
G Heidemann, I Bax, H Bekel
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Multimodal interfaces, 53-60, 2004
Adaptive computer vision: Online learning for object recognition
H Bekel, I Bax, G Heidemann, H Ritter
Pattern Recognition: 26th DAGM Symposium, Tübingen, Germany, August 30 …, 2004
Integrating context-free and context-dependent attentional mechanisms for gestural object reference
G Heidemann, R Rae, H Bekel, I Bax, H Ritter
Computer Vision Systems: Third International Conference, ICVS 2003, Graz …, 2003
Integrating context-free and context-dependent attentional mechanisms for gestural object reference
G Heidemann, R Rae, H Bekel, I Bax, H Ritter
Machine Vision and Applications 16, 64-73, 2004
Interactive online learning
G Heidemann, H Bekel, I Bax, H Ritter
Pattern recognition and image analysis 15 (1), 55-58, 2005
Hand gesture recognition: self-organising maps as a graphical user interface for the partitioning of large training data sets
G Heidemann, H Bekel, I Bax, A Saalbach
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
Interactive online learning
G Heidemann, H Bekel, I Bax, H Ritter
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 17, 146-152, 2007
Face detection and identification using a hierarchical feed-forward recognition architecture
I Bax, G Heidemann, H Ritter
Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks …, 2005
Hierarchical feed-forward network for object detection tasks
I Bax, G Heidemann, H Ritter
Optical Engineering 45 (6), 067203-067203-10, 2006
A hierarchical feed-forward network for object detection tasks
I Bax, G Heidemann, H Ritter
Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Smart Sensors, and …, 2005
Recognition of gestural object reference with auditory feedback
I Bax, H Bekel, G Heidemann
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 425-432, 2003
Is end-to-end learning enough for fitness activity recognition?
A Mercier, G Berger, S Panchal, F Letsch, C Boehm, N Kang, I Bax, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.08191, 2023
Evaluating visual" common sense" using fine-grained classification and captioning tasks
R Goyal, F Mahdisoltani, G Berger, W Gharbieh, I Bax, R Memisevic
Using Non-negative Sparse Profiles in a Hierarchical Feature Extraction Network.
I Bax, G Heidemann, HJ Ritter
MVA, 464-467, 2005
Tagmantic: A social recommender service based on semantic tag graphs and tag clusters
J Moldvay, I Bax, A Frerichs, M Schuh
Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Recommender systems, 345-346, 2010
Data-Driven Ontologies for Recommender Engines in Social Networks
I Bax, J Moldvay
Proceedings 1st Int'l Workshop on Mining Social Media, Sevilla, Spain, 101-111, 2009
AirLetters: An Open Video Dataset of Characters Drawn in the Air
R Dagli, G Berger, J Materzynska, I Bax, R Memisevic
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.02921, 2024
Live Fitness Coaching as a Testbed for Situated Interaction
S Panchal, A Bhattacharyya, G Berger, A Mercier, C Bohm, F Dietrichkeit, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.08101, 2024
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