Jenq-Shiou Leu
Energy efficient clustering scheme for prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor network with isolated nodes
JS Leu, TH Chiang, MC Yu, KW Su
IEEE communications letters 19 (2), 259-262, 2014
Effectiveness of focal loss for minority classification in network intrusion detection systems
M Mulyanto, M Faisal, SW Prakosa, JS Leu
Symmetry 13 (1), 4, 2020
Predicting station level demand in a bike‐sharing system using recurrent neural networks
PC Chen, HY Hsieh, KW Su, XK Sigalingging, YR Chen, JS Leu
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 14 (6), 554-561, 2020
Improving heterogeneous SOA-based IoT message stability by shortest processing time scheduling
JS Leu, CF Chen, KC Hsu
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 7 (4), 575-585, 2013
Design of a time and location based One-Time Password authentication scheme
WB Hsieh, JS Leu
2011 7th international wireless communications and mobile computing …, 2011
An anonymous mobile user authentication protocol using self-certified public keys based on multi-server architectures
WB Hsieh, JS Leu
The Journal of Supercomputing 70, 133-148, 2014
Efficient and secure dynamic ID‐based remote user authentication scheme for distributed systems using smart cards
JS Leu, WB Hsieh
IET Information Security 8 (2), 104-113, 2014
Towards the implementation of recurrent neural network schemes for WiFi fingerprint-based indoor positioning
HY Hsieh, SW Prakosa, JS Leu
2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 1-5, 2018
Anonymous authentication protocol based on elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman for wireless access networks
WB Hsieh, JS Leu
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 14 (10), 995-1006, 2014
The IPIN 2019 indoor localisation competition—Description and results
F Potorti, S Park, A Crivello, F Palumbo, M Girolami, P Barsocchi, S Lee, ...
IEEE access 8, 206674-206718, 2020
Enhanced skin condition prediction through machine learning using dynamic training and testing augmentation
TA Putra, SI Rufaida, JS Leu
IEEE Access 8, 40536-40546, 2020
Design and implementation of a power consumption management system for smart home over fog-cloud computing
YD Chen, MZ Azhari, JS Leu
2018 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart …, 2018
Feature extraction for cocoa bean digital image classification prediction for smart farming application
Y Adhitya, SW Prakosa, M Köppen, JS Leu
Agronomy 10 (11), 1642, 2020
Predicting default risk on peer-to-peer lending imbalanced datasets
YR Chen, JS Leu, SA Huang, JT Wang, JI Takada
IEEE Access 9, 73103-73109, 2021
A robust user authentication scheme using dynamic identity in wireless sensor networks
WB Hsieh, JS Leu
Wireless personal communications 77, 979-989, 2014
Exploiting hash functions to intensify the remote user authentication scheme
WB Hsieh, JS Leu
Computers & Security 31 (6), 791-798, 2012
Using long-short-term memory based convolutional neural networks for network intrusion detection
CM Hsu, HY Hsieh, SW Prakosa, MZ Azhari, JS Leu
Wireless Internet: 11th EAI International Conference, WiCON 2018, Taipei …, 2019
Running cellular/PWLAN services: practical considerations for cellular/PWLAN architecture supporting interoperator roaming
JS Leu, RH Lai, HI Lin, WK Shih
IEEE Communications Magazine 44 (2), 73-84, 2006
A predictive handover scheme to improve service quality in the IEEE 802.21 network
CP Lin, HL Chen, JS Leu
Computers & Electrical Engineering 38 (3), 681-693, 2012
Design of an unsupervised machine learning-based movie recommender system
D Cintia Ganesha Putri, JS Leu, P Seda
Symmetry 12 (2), 185, 2020
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