Pablo Navarrete-Hernandez
Pablo Navarrete-Hernandez
Assistant Professor, University of Sheffield
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Unleashing waste-pickers’ potential: supporting recycling cooperatives in Santiago de Chile
P Navarrete-Hernández, N Navarrete-Hernández
World Development 101, 293-310, 2018
A greener urban environment: Designing green infrastructure interventions to promote citizens’ subjective wellbeing
P Navarrete-Hernandez, K Laffan
Landscape and urban planning 191, 103618, 2019
Building safer public spaces: Exploring gender difference in the perception of safety in public space through urban design interventions
P Navarrete-Hernandez, A Vetro, P Concha
Landscape and Urban Planning 214, 104180, 2021
Urban systems of accumulation: Half a century of Chilean neoliberal urban policies
P Navarrete‐Hernandez, F Toro
Antipode 51 (3), 899-926, 2019
Enlightening wellbeing in the home: The impact of natural light design on perceived happiness and sadness in residential spaces
J Morales-Bravo, P Navarrete-Hernandez
Building and Environment 223, 109317, 2022
De cartoneros a recicladores urbanos: el rol de las políticas locales en mejorar la sustentabilidad de los recolectores de base
P Navarrete Hernández
Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, 2016
Health effects of increasing income for the elderly: evidence from a Chilean pension program
E Miglino, N Navarrete H, G Navarrete H, P Navarrete H
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 15 (1), 370-393, 2023
Delivering higher density suburban development: The impact of building design and residents’ attitudes
P Navarrete-Hernandez, A Mace, J Karlsson, N Holman, DA Zorloni
Urban Studies 59 (13), 2801-2820, 2022
An evaluation of the impact of COVID-19 safety measures in public transit spaces on riders' Worry of virus contraction
P Navarrete-Hernandez, L Rennert, A Balducci
Transport Policy 131, 1-12, 2023
Moving “away" from Opportunities?: Homeownership and Employment
P Navarrete, N Navarrete
CAF, 2016
Scavenging revisited: supporting scavengers in Santiago de Chile
P Navarrete-Hernandez
The ideal city: between myth and reality. representations, policies …, 2015
The impact of small-scale green infrastructure on the affective wellbeing associated with urban sites
P Navarrete-Hernandez, K Laffan
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 9687, 2023
Mind the perception gap: The impact of bus rapid transit infrastructure on travelers’ perceptions of affective subjective well-being
P Navarrete-Hernandez, PC Zegras
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 172, 103670, 2023
Planning for fear of crime reduction: assessing the impact of public space regeneration on safety perceptions in deprived neighborhoods
P Navarrete-Hernandez, A Luneke, R Truffello, L Fuentes
Landscape and Urban Planning 237, 104809, 2023
A “Financialised Production of Space”. Analysing Real Estate Investment Funds through Lefebvre’s Spatial Triad
F Toro, P Navarrete-Hernandez
Housing, Theory and Society 39 (3), 359-379, 2022
From survival to social mobility: supporting the informal economy in Santiago de Chile
P Navarrete-Hernández
London School of Economics and Political Science, 2017
Inclusive informal-to-informal trade: the poverty alleviation potential of street vendors’ trade networks in Santiago de Chile
P Navarrete-Hernández, M Alford, F Toro
Third World Quarterly 44 (8), 1844-1864, 2023
Preserving enough? A randomised controlled trial approach to determine relevant urban planning regulations for small touristic towns–A case of Chiloé, Chile
P Navarrete-Hernandez, JP Urrutia, K Mellouki
Habitat International 146, 103033, 2024
The impact of nature-based solutions on perceptions of safety in public space
P Navarrete-Hernandez, K Afarin
Journal of Environmental Psychology 91, 102132, 2023
Race-based readings of safety in public space in Milan, the challenge for urban design
N Holman, A Mace, D Zorloni, P Navarrete-Hernandez, J Karlsson, E Pani
European Urban and Regional Studies 30 (3), 282-296, 2023
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