Michael Collier
Michael Collier
在 nasa.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
XMM-Newton observation of solar wind charge exchange emission
SL Snowden, MR Collier, KD Kuntz
The Astrophysical Journal 610 (2), 1182, 2004
Predicting interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) propagation delay times using the minimum variance technique
DR Weimer, DM Ober, NC Maynard, MR Collier, DJ McComas, NF Ness, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A1), 2003
IBEX—interstellar boundary explorer
DJ McComas, F Allegrini, P Bochsler, M Bzowski, M Collier, H Fahr, ...
Space science reviews 146, 11-33, 2009
Neon‐20, oxygen‐16, and helium‐4 densities, temperatures, and suprathermal tails in the solar wind determined with WIND/MASS
MR Collier, DC Hamilton, G Gloeckler, P Bochsler, RB Sheldon
Geophysical research letters 23 (10), 1191-1194, 1996
The solar orbiter solar wind analyser (SWA) suite
CJ Owen, R Bruno, S Livi, P Louarn, K Al Janabi, F Allegrini, C Amoros, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A16, 2020
The low-energy neutral atom imager for IMAGE
TE Moore, DJ Chornay, MR Collier, FA Herrero, J Johnson, MA Johnson, ...
The IMAGE Mission, 155-195, 2000
Ionospheric mass ejection in response to a CME
TE Moore, WK Peterson, CT Russell, MO Chandler, MR Collier, HL Collin, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (15), 2339-2342, 1999
Variable time delays in the propagation of the interplanetary magnetic field
DR Weimer, DM Ober, NC Maynard, WJ Burke, MR Collier, DJ McComas, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 107 (A8), SMP 29-1-SMP 29-15, 2002
The suprathermal seed population for corotating interaction region ions at 1 AU deduced from composition and spectra of H+, He++, and He+ observed on Wind
K Chotoo, NA Schwadron, GM Mason, TH Zurbuchen, G Gloeckler, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 105 (A10), 23107-23122, 2000
On generating kappa‐like distribution functions using velocity space Lévy flights
MR Collier
Geophysical research letters 20 (15), 1531-1534, 1993
Timing accuracy for the simple planar propagation of magnetic field structures in the solar wind
MR Collier, JA Slavin, RP Lepping, A Szabo, K Ogilvie
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (14), 2509-2512, 1998
The interstellar boundary explorer (IBEX)
D McComas, F Allegrini, P Bochsler, M Bzowski, M Collier, H Fahr, ...
AIP Conference proceedings 719 (1), 162-181, 2004
Dependence of lunar surface charging on solar wind plasma conditions and solar irradiation
TJ Stubbs, WM Farrell, JS Halekas, JK Burchill, MR Collier, ...
Planetary and Space Science 90, 10-27, 2014
Overwhelming O+ contribution to the plasma sheet energy density during the October 2003 superstorm: Geotail/EPIC and IMAGE/LENA observations
M Nosé, S Taguchi, K Hosokawa, SP Christon, RW McEntire, TE Moore, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110 (A9), 2005
On the role of dust in the lunar ionosphere
TJ Stubbs, DA Glenar, WM Farrell, RR Vondrak, MR Collier, JS Halekas, ...
Planetary and Space Science 59 (13), 1659-1664, 2011
Anticipated electrical environment within permanently shadowed lunar craters
WM Farrell, TJ Stubbs, JS Halekas, RM Killen, GT Delory, MR Collier, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 115 (E3), 2010
The origin of the local 1/4-keV X-ray flux in both charge exchange and a hot bubble
M Galeazzi, M Chiao, MR Collier, T Cravens, D Koutroumpa, KD Kuntz, ...
Nature 512 (7513), 171-173, 2014
Observations of neutral atoms from the solar wind
MR Collier, TE Moore, KW Ogilvie, D Chornay, JW Keller, S Boardsen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 106 (A11), 24893-24906, 2001
The structure of the local hot bubble
W Liu, M Chiao, MR Collier, T Cravens, M Galeazzi, D Koutroumpa, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 834 (1), 33, 2016
Imaging plasma density structures in the soft X-rays generated by solar wind charge exchange with neutrals
DG Sibeck, R Allen, H Aryan, D Bodewits, P Brandt, ...
Space Science Reviews 214, 1-124, 2018
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