Rebecca Steingut
Daily autonomy supporting or thwarting and students’ motivation and engagement in the high school science classroom.
EA Patall, RR Steingut, AC Vasquez, SS Trimble, KA Pituch, JL Freeman
Journal of Educational Psychology 110 (2), 269, 2018
The effect of drama-based pedagogy on preK–16 outcomes: A meta-analysis of research from 1985 to 2012
BK Lee, EA Patall, SW Cawthon, RR Steingut
Review of educational research 85 (1), 3-49, 2015
High school student perceptions of the utility of the engineering design process: Creating opportunities to engage in engineering practices and apply math and science content
L Berland, R Steingut, P Ko
Journal of Science Education and Technology 23, 705-720, 2014
Agency and high school science students' motivation, engagement, and classroom support experiences
EA Patall, KA Pituch, RR Steingut, AC Vasquez, N Yates, AAU Kennedy
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 62, 77-92, 2019
Daily interest, engagement, and autonomy support in the high school science classroom
EA Patall, AC Vasquez, RR Steingut, SS Trimble, KA Pituch
Contemporary Educational Psychology 46, 180-194, 2016
Science class is too hard: Perceived difficulty, disengagement, and the role of teacher autonomy support from a daily diary perspective
EA Patall, S Hooper, AC Vasquez, KA Pituch, RR Steingut
Learning and Instruction 58, 220-231, 2018
The effect of rationale provision on motivation and performance outcomes: A meta-analysis.
RR Steingut, EA Patall, SS Trimble
Motivation Science 3 (1), 19, 2017
Explaining variation in student efforts towards using math and science knowledge in engineering contexts
LK Berland, R Steingut
International Journal of Science Education 38 (18), 2742-2761, 2016
Supporting and thwarting autonomy in the high school science classroom
EA Patall, AC Vasquez, RR Steingut, SS Trimble, KA Pituch
Cognition and Instruction 35 (4), 337-362, 2017
Gender disparities in students’ motivational experiences in high school science classrooms
EA Patall, RR Steingut, JL Freeman, KA Pituch, AC Vasquez
Science Education 102 (5), 951-977, 2018
Psychological affordances help explain where a self-transcendent purpose intervention improves performance.
SL Reeves, MD Henderson, GL Cohen, RR Steingut, Q Hirschi, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 120 (1), 1, 2021
The effects of goal origin and implementation intentions on goal commitment, effort, and performance
E Seo, EA Patall, MD Henderson, RR Steingut
The Journal of Experimental Education 86 (3), 386-401, 2018
The effect of rationale provision on motivation and performance outcomes: A meta-analysis. Motivation Science, 3 (1), 19–50
RR Steingut, EA Patall, SS Trimble
The effects of losing postsecondary student grant aid: Results from a systematic review
RR LaSota, JR Polanin, LW Perna, MJ Austin, RR Steingut, MA Rodgers
Educational Researcher 51 (2), 160-168, 2022
Research Synthesis Methods
RR Steingut, EA Patall, CJ Fong
Routledge, 2022
Effects of the 5E Instructional Model: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
JR Polanin, M Austin, JA Taylor, RR Steingut, MA Rodgers, R Williams
AERA Open 10, 23328584241269866, 2024
The effect of rationale on classroom engagement: moderation by perceived competence
RR Steingut
Daily Perceived Teacher Practice Measure
EA Patall, RR Steingut, AC Vasquez, SS Trimble, KA Pituch, JL Freeman
Journal of Educational Psychology, 0
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