Marie Reimer
Marie Reimer
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Reliance on biological nitrogen fixation depletes soil phosphorus and potassium reserves
M Reimer, TE Hartmann, M Oelofse, J Magid, EK Bünemann, K Möller
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 118 (3), 273-291, 2020
Meta-analysis of nutrient budgets in organic farms across Europe
M Reimer, K Möller, TE Hartmann
Organic Agriculture 10 (Suppl 1), 65-77, 2020
Interactive effects of subsidiary crops and weed pressure in the transition period to non-inversion tillage, a case study of six sites across northern and central Europe
M Reimer, B Ringselle, G Bergkvist, S Westaway, R Wittwer, JP Baresel, ...
Agronomy 9 (9), 495, 2019
Assessing long term effects of compost fertilization on soil fertility and nitrogen mineralization rate
M Reimer, C Kopp, T Hartmann, H Zimmermann, R Ruser, R Schulz, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 186 (2), 217-233, 2023
Do contaminants compromise the use of recycled nutrients in organic agriculture? A review and synthesis of current knowledge on contaminant concentrations, fate in the …
EK Bünemann, M Reimer, E Smolders, SR Smith, M Bigalke, A Palmqvist, ...
Science of the Total Environment, 168901, 2023
Sustainable growth of organic farming in the EU requires a rethink of nutrient supply
M Reimer, M Oelofse, D Müller-Stöver, K Möller, EK Bünemann, S Bianchi, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 1-17, 2023
Farm gate nutrient budgets in organic farms–a case study in Germany
M Reimer, M Oelofse, J Magid, TE Hartmann, K Möller
Recycling Nitrogen from urban wastes to organic farming–a scenario analysis
M Reimer, K Möller, J Magid, S Bruun
Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer value by post-treatment of digestates
M Reimer, P Sørensen, HB Møller
Different fertiliser values in organic and conventional field trials
M Reimer, P Sørensen, HB Møller
Nitrogen fertiliser value of digestates and untreated cattle slurry differs by organic and conventional crop management
M Reimer, P Sørensen
Recycled fertilizer for organic farming–assessing the effect on soil fertility and associated risks with potentially toxic elements
M Reimer
RAMIRAN 2023-18th International Conference, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts …, 2023
Towards a Sustainable Nutrient Management in Organic Farming: Closing the Nutrient Gap with Recycled Fertilizers from Urban Waste
M Reimer
University of Hohenheim, 2022
Nitrogen efficiency of organic fertilisers (RELACS Practice Abstract)
M Reimer, K Möller
FiBL-Research Institute of Organic Agriculture https://www. fibl. org/, 2022
Nutrient Budgets And Their Implication On Soil Fertility In Organic Farming Across Europe
M Reimer, T Hartmann, M Oelofse, EK Bünemann, D Müller-Stöver, ...
NutriGadget-Farm gate nutrient budgets for organic farming (Relacs Practice Abstract)
M Reimer, M Oelofse, E Bünemann, J Magid, K Möller
FiBL-Research Institute of organic agriculture https://www. fibl. org info …, 2020
Deliverable No 3.4: Synthesis and overall recommendation how to replace current contentious nutrient inputs
EK Bünemann, M Reimer, K Möller
Deliverable No 3.2: Publication on the short-term and longer-term benefits of recycled fertilizers with respect to soil quality
M Reimer
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