Michelle S. Nelson, P.G.
Michelle S. Nelson, P.G.
VA Department of Energy, Geology and Mineral Resources Program
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Sand injectites: an emerging global play in deep-water clastic environments
A Hurst, JA Cartwright, D Duranti, M Huuse, M Nelson
Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology Conference Series 6 (1), 133-144, 2005
User guide for luminescence sampling in archaeological and geological contexts
MS Nelson, HJ Gray, JA Johnson, TM Rittenour, JK Feathers, SA Mahan
Advances in Archaeological Practice 3 (2), 166-177, 2015
Using grain-size characteristics to model soil water content: Application to dose-rate calculation for luminescence dating
MS Nelson, TM Rittenour
Radiation Measurements 81, 142-149, 2015
Guide to luminescence dating techniques and their application for paleoseismic research
HJ Gray, SA Mahan, T Rittenour, M Nelson, WR Lund
Proceedings Volume, Basin and Range Province Seismic Hazards Summit III Utah …, 2015
Guide for interpreting and reporting luminescence dating results
SA Mahan, TM Rittenour, MS Nelson, N Ataee, N Brown, R DeWitt, ...
GSA Bulletin, 2022
Application of OSL dating to middle to late Holocene arroyo sediments in Kanab Creek, southern Utah, USA
MC Summa-Nelson, TM Rittenour
Quaternary Geochronology 10, 167-174, 2012
Sampling Methods for Luminescence Dating of Subsurface Deposits from Cores.
H Nelson, M., Rittenour, T., Cornachione
Methods and Protocols 2 (88), 15, 2019
Luminescence dating of late Pleistocene proximal glacial sediments in the Olympic Mountains, Washington
CE Wyshnytzky, TM Rittenour, MS Nelson, G Thackray
Quaternary International 362, 116-123, 2015
Geomorphology, active tectonics, and landscape evolution in the Mid-Atlantic region
FJ Pazzaglia, M Carter, C Berti, R Counts, G Hancock, D Harbor, ...
River terrace evidence of tectonic processes in the eastern North American Plate interior, South Anna River, Virginia
FJ Pazzaglia, HF Malenda, ML McGavick, C Raup, MW Carter, C Berti, ...
The Journal of Geology 129 (5), 595-624, 2021
Anatomy and evolution of a dynamic arroyo system, Kanab Creek, southern Utah, USA
KF Townsend, MS Nelson, TM Rittenour, JL Pederson
GSA Bulletin 131 (11-12), 2094-2109, 2019
Downstream changes in quartz OSL sensitivity in modern river sand reflects sediment source variability: Case studies from Rocky Mountain and Andean rivers
TN Capaldi, TM Rittenour, MS Nelson
Quaternary Geochronology 71, 101317, 2022
OSL chronology of middle to late Holocene aeolian activity in the St. Anthony dune field, southeastern Idaho, USA
J Rich, TM Rittenour, MS Nelson, J Owen
Quaternary International 362, 77-86, 2015
Guide to luminescence dating techniques and their application for paleoseismic research in Western States Seismic Policy Council: Basin and Range Province Seismic Hazards …
HJ Gray, SA Mahan, MS Nelson, TM Rittenour
Proceedings Volume, 15-5, 2015
Single-grain optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz temper from prehistoric Intermountain Ware ceramics, northwestern Wyoming, USA
CJ Ideker, JB Finley, TM Rittenour, MS Nelson
Quaternary Geochronology 42, 42-55, 2017
Middle to late Holocene chronostratigraphy of alluvial fill deposits along Kanab Creek in southern Utah
MS Nelson, TM Rittenour, JS MacLean, RF Biek, JE Huntoon
Geology of Utah’s Far South: Utah Geological Association, Publication 43, 97-116, 2014
Incision of the Youghiogheny River through the Laurel Highlands determined by a new river terrace stratigraphic age model, Ohiopyle State Park, southwestern Pennsylvania
E Kurak, FJ Pazzaglia, CX Li, A Patching, J Shaulis, L Corbett, P Bierman, ...
Geology of Ohiopyle State Park and the Laurel Highlands of Southwestern …, 2021
Quartz luminescence sensitivity from sediment versus bedrock in highly weathered soils of the Piedmont of North Carolina, south-eastern USA
TM Nelson, M.S., Eppes, M.C., Rittenour
Quaternary Geochronology, 2022
The 9th New World Luminescence Dating Workshop: Aim of the community and scope of the conference proceedings
SA Mahan, MS Nelson, TM Rittenour, P Hanson, E Rhodes
Quaternary International, 1-2, 2015
Pre-and postnatal growth retardation--severe mental retardation--acral limb deficiencies with poorly keratinized nails. Another example of a distinct syndrome of inherited …
J Cartwright, M Nelson, JP Fryns
Genetic Counseling (Geneva, Switzerland) 2 (3), 147-150, 1991
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