Emily Wallace
Emily Wallace
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Skillful long‐range prediction of European and North American winters
AA Scaife, A Arribas, E Blockley, A Brookshaw, RT Clark, N Dunstone, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (7), 2514-2519, 2014
Do seasonal‐to‐decadal climate predictions underestimate the predictability of the real world?
R Eade, D Smith, A Scaife, E Wallace, N Dunstone, L Hermanson, ...
Geophysical research letters 41 (15), 5620-5628, 2014
Influence of Madden‐Julian Oscillation on Southeast Asia rainfall extremes: observations and predictability
P Xavier, R Rahmat, WK Cheong, E Wallace
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (12), 4406-4412, 2014
Seasonal forecasting of tropical storms using the Met Office GloSea5 seasonal forecast system
J Camp, M Roberts, C MacLachlan, E Wallace, L Hermanson, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (691), 2206-2219, 2015
Skillful seasonal forecasts of winter disruption to the UK transport system
EJ Palin, AA Scaife, E Wallace, ECD Pope, A Arribas, A Brookshaw
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 55 (2), 325-344, 2016
Multi-annual droughts in the English Lowlands: a review of their characteristics and climate drivers in the winter half-year
CK Folland, J Hannaford, JP Bloomfield, M Kendon, C Svensson, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (5), 2353-2375, 2015
Assessing skill for impacts in seasonal to decadal climate forecasts
P Falloon, D Fereday, N Stringer, K Williams, J Gornall, E Wallace, ...
J. Geol. Geosci 2, e111, 2013
Multi-annual droughts in the English Lowlands: a review of their characteristics and climate drivers in the winter half year.
CK Folland, J Hannaford, JP Bloomfield, M Kendon, C Svensson, ...
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions 11 (11), 2014
Use of dynamical seasonal forecasts in the consensus outlooks of African Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs)
R Graham, A Colman, M Vellinga, E Wallace
Proceedings of ECMWF Seminar on Seasonal Prediction, 237-256, 2012
Forecasting with reference to a specific climatology
E Wallace, A Arribas
Monthly weather review 140 (11), 3795-3802, 2012
Policy Deliverable E3: Assessment of potential skill for impacts quantities in seasonal, interannual and decadal forecasts
P Falloon, D Fereday, N Stringer, K Williams, J Gornall, E Wallace, ...
For Joint DECC and Defra Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme …, 2013
Skillful long-range prediction of European and North American winters
R Eade, AA Scaife, A Arribas, E Blockley, A Brookshaw, RT Clark, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, A31M-08, 2014
Hadley Centre Technical Note 94
B Becker, E Wallace, A Williams, A Arribas
Met Office seasonal predictions of the NAO, the driver of recent extreme UK winters
AA Scaife, A Arribas, E Blockley, A Brookshaw, RT Clark, N Dunstone, ...
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