Watching a movie alone yet together: understanding reasons for watching Danmaku videos Y Chen, Q Gao, PLP Rau International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 33 (9), 731-743, 2017 | 142 | 2017 |
Understanding gratifications of watching danmaku videos–videos with overlaid comments Y Chen, Q Gao, PLP Rau Cross-Cultural Design Methods, Practice and Impact: 7th International …, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
Facilitating students’ interaction in MOOCs through timeline-anchored discussion Y Chen, Q Gao, Q Yuan, Y Tang International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 35 (19), 1781-1799, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Effects of social media self-efficacy on informational use, loneliness, and self-esteem of older adults Y Chen, Q Gao International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (5), 1121-1133, 2023 | 42 | 2023 |
Discovering MOOC learner motivation and its moderating role Y Chen, Q Gao, Q Yuan, Y Tang Behaviour & Information Technology 39 (12), 1257-1275, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Comparing measurements for emotion evoked by oral care products Y Chen, Q Gao, Q Lv, N Qie, L Ma International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 66, 119-129, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Timeline-anchored comments in video-based learning: The impact of visual layout and content depth Y Chen, Q Gao, G Gao International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 38 (9), 868-883, 2022 | 11 | 2022 |
Post-purchase trust in e-commerce: A theoretical framework and a text mining-based assessment method Z Ma, Q Gao, Y Chen International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (8), 1643-1661, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Procedure and information displays in advanced nuclear control rooms: experimental evaluation of an integrated design Y Chen, Q Gao, F Song, Z Li, Y Wang Ergonomics 60 (8), 1158-1172, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
DanMOOC: enhancing content and social interaction in MOOCs with synchronized commenting Y Chen, Q Gao, Q Yuan Cross-Cultural Design: 9th International Conference, CCD 2017, Held as Part …, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
HUMAN FACTORS IN SOCIAL MEDIA Q Gao, Y Chen Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 1143-1186, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Online communication for team creativity in tech companies: barriers and tool design Y Chen, M Wu, Q Gao International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 13-28, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Design of an online education evaluation system based on multimodal data of learners Q Peng, N Qie, L Yuan, Y Chen, Q Gao Cross-Cultural Design. Culture and Society: 11th International Conference …, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
A preliminary study on the learning assessment in massive open online courses Q Yuan, Q Gao, Y Chen Cross-Cultural Design: 9th International Conference, CCD 2017, Held as Part …, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Visualizing timeline‐anchored comments enhanced social presence and information searching in video‐based learning Y Chen, Q Gao Computer Applications in Engineering Education 31 (5), 1306-1320, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
How Do Older Adults Learn Informally via Social Media? A Pilot Study of Chinese Urban Older Adults Y Chen, Q Gao International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 379-392, 2021 | | 2021 |