Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
在 ee.its.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Analisis Manajemen Risiko SPBE Menggunakan COBIT 5 For Risk dan ISO 31000: 2018 di Kabupaten Magetan (E-Government Risk Management Analysis Using COBIT 5 For Risk and ISO 31000 …
K Aprianto, E Endroyono, SMS Nugroho
JURNAL IPTEKKOM Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi 23 (2), 107-122, 2021
Predict Urban Air Pollution in Surabaya Using Recurrent Neural Network–Long Short Term Memory
MA Faishol, E Endroyono, AN Irfansyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi 18 (2), 102-114, 2020
Exploiting self-embedding fragile watermarking method for image tamper detection and recovery
L Rakhmawati, T Suryani, W Wirawan, S Suwadi, E Endroyono
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 12 (4), 62-70, 2019
Partial transmit sequence and selected mapping schemes for PAPR reduction in GFDM systems
AE Jayati, W Wirawan, T Suryani, E Endroyono
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 12 (6), 114-122, 2019
Road-map Pengembangan Intelligent Transport System di Surabaya
A Affandi, DS Rahardjo, E Setijadi, E Endroyono, G Kusrahardjo
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series, 2017
Sistem informasi pelaporan transaksi rumah makan cabang
JD Irawan, E Adriantantri
Prosiding SENIATI 4 (2), 394-398, 2018
Rancang bangun platform sistem SFN TV Digital DVB-T2
R Oktariza, E Endroyono, G Kusrahardjo
Jurnal Teknik ITS 4 (2), A206-A210, 2016
Rancang Bangun Software Sistem Monitoring TV Digital DVB-T2
GA Putra, E Endroyono, G Kusrahardjo
Jurnal Teknik ITS 4 (1), A19-A24, 2015
Iterative Receiver Compensation of HPA Nonlinearity in MIMO-GFDM System.
AE Jayati, W Wirawan, T Suryani, E Endroyono
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 13 (4), 2020
Inovasi SIEC-ITS dalam Implementasi Teknologi Informasi dan [Tele] Komunikasi Mendukung Framework Smart-city yang Berkelanjutan
E Endroyono, A Affandi, E Setijadi, G Kusrahardjo, D Suprajitno
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series, 2017
Urban radio propagation measurement for digital TV broadcast in Jakarta, Indonesia
G Hendrantoro, A Rufiyanto, S Dharmanto, BH Tjahjono
IEEE Broadcast Technology Newsletter, 2007
Mengukur Kesiapan Elektronik Dalam Mewujudkan Pariwisata Cerdas: Studi Kasus Kota Malang
TS Wibowo, E Endroyono, I Pratomo
Applied Technology and Computing Science Journal 2 (2), 98-108, 2019
Cross-layer optimization performance evaluation of OFDM broadband network on millimeter wave channels
G Hendrantoro
2008 5th IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical …, 2008
A normalized cross-correlation convolutional neural network (CNN-NCC) for exemplar-based object detection
Y Wihardi, WM Kristy, E Erlangga, A Turnip, IN Yulita, E Endroyono
AIP Conference Proceedings 2734 (1), 2023
Optimalisasi Network Gain Jaringan Digital melalui Pemanfaatan Kombinasi SFN dan MFN di Pulau Jawa dengan Metode Monte Carlo
N Purwaningsih, E Endroyono, G Kusrahardjo
Jurnal Teknik ITS 4 (1), A95-A100, 2015
Cross-Layer Optimization Performance of Single Cell Millimeter Wave OFDM Wireless Network Under Rain Fading
E Endroyono, G Hendrantoro, A Matsushima
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI), 2009
House Price Prediction using Multiple Linear Regression and KNN
FD Febriyanto, E Endroyono, Y Kusnendar
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) 7 (1), 2023
Shift Share Location Quotient, and ARIMA Forecasting Methods in the Analysis of the Competitiveness of Tual City and the Economic Growth of the Maluku Province.
N prista La Adisamu, E Endroyono, SMS Nugroho
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) 6 (1), 2022
Peramalan Pencemaran Udara Di Kota Surabaya Menggunakan Metode DSARIMA dengan Pendekatan Percentile Error Bootstrap (PEB)
N Koesoemaningroem, SMSN Endroyono
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK) 8 (5), 2021
Performance Evaluation of DSRC-Zigbee Heterogeneous Network for Intelligent Transportation System
RE Hariyadi, E Endroyono, A Affandi
Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi 21 (1), 64-69, 2021
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