Yu Du
Yu Du
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Heavy rainfall associated with double low-level jets over southern China. Part II: Convection initiation
Y Du, G Chen
Monthly Weather Review 147 (2), 543-565, 2019
Heavy rainfall associated with double low-level jets over southern China. Part I: Ensemble-based analysis
Y Du, G Chen
Monthly Weather Review 146 (11), 3827-3844, 2018
A simple analytical model of the nocturnal low-level jet over the Great Plains of the United States
Y Du, R Rotunno
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 71 (10), 3674-3683, 2014
Numerical simulations of spatial distributions and diurnal variations of low-level jets in China during early summer
Y Du, Q Zhang, Y Chen, Y Zhao, X Wang
Journal of Climate 27 (15), 5747-5767, 2014
Science and prediction of heavy rainfall over China: Research progress since the reform and opening-up of new China
Y Luo, J Sun, Y Li, R Xia, Y Du, S Yang, Y Zhang, J Chen, K Dai, X Shen, ...
Journal of Meteorological Research 34, 427-459, 2020
Climatology of low-level jets and their impact on rainfall over southern China during the early-summer rainy season
Y Du, G Chen
Journal of Climate 32 (24), 8813-8833, 2019
Diurnal cycle of rainfall and winds near the south coast of China
Y Du, R Rotunno
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 75 (6), 2065-2082, 2018
Convection initiation and growth at the coast of South China. Part II: Effects of the terrain, coastline, and cold pools
Y Du, G Chen, B Han, L Bai, M Li
Monthly Weather Review 148 (9), 3871-3892, 2020
Characteristics of low-level jets in Shanghai during the 2008-2009 warm seasons as inferred from wind profiler radar data
Y Du, Q Zhang, Y Ying, Y Yang
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 90 (6), 891-903, 2012
Convection initiation and growth at the coast of South China. Part I: Effect of the marine boundary layer jet
Y Du, G Chen, B Han, C Mai, L Bai, M Li
Monthly Weather Review 148 (9), 3847-3869, 2020
Statistical characteristics of pre-summer rainfall over South China and associated synoptic conditions
Z Li, Y Luo, Y Du, JCL Chan
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 98 (1), 213-233, 2020
Numerical simulations of the boundary layer jet off the southeastern coast of China
Y Du, YL Chen, Q Zhang
Monthly Weather Review 143 (4), 1212-1231, 2015
Statistical relationships between two types of heavy rainfall and low-level jets in South China
X Li, Y Du
Journal of Climate 34 (21), 8549-8566, 2021
Analysis of WRF-simulated diurnal boundary layer winds in eastern China using a simple 1D model
Y Du, R Rotunno, Q Zhang
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 72 (2), 714-727, 2015
Objective analysis of circulation extremes during the 21 July 2012 torrential rain in Beijing
Y Zhao, Q Zhang, Y Du, M Jiang, J Zhang
Acta Meteorologica Sinica 27 (5), 626-635, 2013
Diurnal variations of low-level winds and precipitation response to large-scale circulations during a heavy rainfall event
W Zeng, G Chen, Y Du, Z Wen
Monthly Weather Review 147 (11), 3981-4004, 2019
The roles of low-level jets in “21· 7” Henan extremely persistent heavy rainfall event
Y Luo, Y Du
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 40 (3), 350-373, 2023
中国暴雨的科学与预报: 改革开放 40 年研究成果
罗亚丽, 孙继松, 李英, 夏茹娣, 杜宇, 杨帅, 张元春, 陈静, 代刊, 沈学顺, ...
气象学报 78 (3), 419-450, 2020
Microphysical characteristics of the coexisting frontal and warm‐sector heavy rainfall in South China
B Han, Y Du, C Wu, X Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (21), e2021JD035446, 2021
Influence of coastal marine boundary layer jets on rainfall in South China
Y Du, Y Shen, G Chen
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 39 (5), 782-801, 2022
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