Solar activity during the last 1000 yr inferred from radionuclide records R Muscheler, F Joos, J Beer, SA Müller, M Vonmoos, I Snowball Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (1-2), 82-97, 2007 | 369 | 2007 |
Magnetic hysteresis properties of greigite (Fe3S4) and a new occurrence in Holocene sediments from Swedish Lappland IF Snowball Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 68 (1-2), 32-40, 1991 | 240 | 1991 |
Sea surface temperatures and ice rafting in the Holocene North Atlantic: climate influences on northern Europe and Greenland M Moros, K Emeis, B Risebrobakken, I Snowball, A Kuijpers, J McManus, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (20-22), 2113-2126, 2004 | 236 | 2004 |
The occurrence of greigite in sediments from Loch Lomond I Snowball, R Thompson Journal of Quaternary Science 3 (2), 121-125, 1988 | 200 | 1988 |
A stable chemical remanence in Holocene sediments I Snowball, R Thompson Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 95 (B4), 4471-4479, 1990 | 190 | 1990 |
Application of mineral magnetic techniques to paleolimnology P Sandgren, I Snowball Tracking environmental change using lake sediments: Physical and geochemical …, 2001 | 181 | 2001 |
The mineral magnetic properties of an annually laminated Holocene lake-sediment sequence in northern Sweden I Snowball, P Sandgren, G Petterson The Holocene 9 (3), 353-362, 1999 | 172 | 1999 |
Bacterial magnetite and the magnetic properties of sediments in a Swedish lake IF Snowball Earth and Planetary Science Letters 126 (1-3), 129-142, 1994 | 157 | 1994 |
FENNOSTACK and FENNORPIS: Varve dated Holocene palaeomagnetic secular variation and relative palaeointensity stacks for Fennoscandia I Snowball, L Zillén, A Ojala, T Saarinen, P Sandgren Earth and Planetary Science Letters 255 (1-2), 106-116, 2007 | 144 | 2007 |
Variations in the geomagnetic dipole moment during the Holocene and the past 50 kyr MF Knudsen, P Riisager, F Donadini, I Snowball, R Muscheler, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (1-2), 319-329, 2008 | 141 | 2008 |
Gyroremanent magnetization and the magnetic properties of greigite-bearing clays in southern Sweden IF Snowball Geophysical Journal International 129 (3), 624-636, 1997 | 131 | 1997 |
Holocene forest dynamics and climate changes in the Abisko area, northern Sweden: the Sonesson model of vegetation history reconsidered and confirmed BE Berglund, L Barnekow, D Hammarlund, P Sandgren, IF Snowball Ecological Bulletins, 15-30, 1996 | 128 | 1996 |
Bacterial magnetite in Swedish varved lake-sediments: a potential bio-marker of environmental change I Snowball, L Zillén, P Sandgren Quaternary International 88 (1), 13-19, 2002 | 120 | 2002 |
Geomagnetic field variations in northern Sweden during the Holocene quantified from varved lake sediments and their implications for cosmogenic nuclide production rates I Snowball, P Sandgrena The Holocene 12 (5), 517-530, 2002 | 113 | 2002 |
Geochemical control of magnetite dissolution in subarctic lake sediments and the implications for environmental magnetism IF Snowball Journal of Quaternary Science 8 (4), 339-346, 1993 | 113 | 1993 |
A 2-million-year-old ecosystem in Greenland uncovered by environmental DNA KH Kjær, M Winther Pedersen, B De Sanctis, B De Cahsan, ... Nature 612 (7939), 283-291, 2022 | 110 | 2022 |
Large spatial variations in coastal 14C reservoir age – a case study from the Baltic Sea BC Lougheed, HL Filipsson, I Snowball Climate of the Past 9 (3), 1015-1028, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
Calendar year ages of three mid-Holocene tephra layers identified in varved lake sediments in west central Sweden LM Zillén, S Wastegård, IF Snowball Quaternary Science Reviews 21 (14-15), 1583-1591, 2002 | 99 | 2002 |
Lake sediment studies of Holocene glacial activity in the Kårsa valley, northern Sweden: contrasts in interpretation I Snowball, P Sandgren The Holocene 6 (3), 367-372, 1996 | 98 | 1996 |
Eemian Lake development, hydrology and climate: a multi-stratigraphic study of the Hollerup site in Denmark S Björck, N Noe-Nygaard, J Wolin, M Houmark-Nielsen, HJ Hansen, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (6), 509-536, 2000 | 93 | 2000 |