Lakhdar Djemili
Water quality index assessment of Koudiat Medouar Reservoir, northeast Algeria using weighted arithmetic index method
S Bouslah, L Djemili, L Houichi
Journal of water and land development 35 (1), 221, 2017
Modeling daily reference evapotranspiration (ET0) in the north of Algeria using generalized regression neural networks (GRNN) and radial basis function neural …
I Ladlani, L Houichi, L Djemili, S Heddam, K Belouz
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 118, 163-178, 2012
Estimation of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration (ET0) in the North of Algeria Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Multiple Linear …
I Ladlani, L Houichi, L Djemili, S Heddam, K Belouz
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 39, 5959-5969, 2014
A GIS based approach for the prediction of the dam break flood hazard–A case study of Zardezas reservoir “Skikda, Algeria”
O Derdous, L Djemili, H Bouchened, SE Tachi
Journal of Water and Land Development, 15--20, 2015
Predicting Daily Pan Evaporation (Epan) from Dam Reservoirs in the Mediterranean Regions of Algeria: OPELM vs OSELM
A Sebbar, S Heddam, L Djemili
Environmental Processes 6, 309-319, 2019
Enhancement of the free residual chlorine concentration at the ends of the water supply network: Case study of Souk Ahras city–Algeria
MA Bensoltane, L Zeghadnia, L Djemili, A Gheid, Y Djebbar
Journal of Water and Land Development, 2018
Modelling approach for gravity dam break analysis
M Boussekine, L Djemili
Journal of water and land development 30 (1), 29, 2016
Evolving connectionist systems (ECoSs): a new approach for modeling daily reference evapotranspiration (ET0)
S Heddam, MJ Watts, L Houichi, L Djemili, A Sebbar
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190 (9), 516, 2018
New equation for the computation of flow velocity in partially filled pipes arranged in parallel
L Zeghadnia, L Djemili, L Houichi, N Rezgui
Water science and technology 70 (1), 160-166, 2014
Critères de choix de projet des barrages en terre: étanchéité par le masque en béton bitumineux
L Djemili
Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Batna, Algérie, 2006
Machine learning for better prediction of seepage flow through embankment dams: Gaussian process regression versus SVR and RVM
A Bouchehed, F Laouacheria, S Heddam, L Djemili
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (9), 24751-24763, 2023
Evaluation of potential dam break flood risks of the cascade dams Mexa and Bougous (El Taref, Algeria)
H Bouchehed, MK Mihoubi, O Derdous, L Djemili
Journal of Water and Land Development, 39--45, 2017
Analytical solution for the flow velocity and water surface angle in drainage and sewer networks: case of pipes arranged in series
L Zeghadnia, L Djemili, L Houichi
International journal of hydrology science and technology 4 (1), 58-67, 2014
Kernel extreme learning machines (KELM): a new approach for modeling monthly evaporation (EP) from dams reservoirs
A Sebbar, S Heddam, L Djemili
Physical Geography 42 (4), 351-373, 2021
Chezy’s resistance coefficient in an egg-shaped conduit
I Loukam, B Achour, L Djemili
Journal of Water and Land Development, 2018
Efficiency of the flow in the circular pipe.
L Zeghadnia, L Djemili, L Houichi, R Nordine
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 8 (2), 42-58, 2015
Application of the analytical hierarchy process for planning the rehabilitation of water distribution networks
N Hassoun Nedjar, Y Djebbar, L Djemili
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 41 (4), 518-538, 2023
Studying the effect of a variation in the main parameters on stability of homogeneous earth dams using design experiment
R Lakehal, L Djemili
Journal of water and land development 34 (1), 173, 2017
A GIS based approach for the prediction of the dam break flood hazard—A case study of Zardezas reservoir ‘skikda, Algeria’. J Water Land Dev 27 (1): 15–20
O Derdous, L Djemili, H Bouchehed, SE Tachi
Predicting daily pan evaporation (epan) from dam reservoirs in the Mediterranean regions of Algeria: OPELM vs OSELM. Environ Process 6: 309–319
A Sebbar, S Heddam, L Djemili
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