Jung-Hsin Lin
Jung-Hsin Lin
Academia Sinica
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Computational drug design accommodating receptor flexibility: the relaxed complex scheme
JH Lin, AL Perryman, JR Schames, JA McCammon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (20), 5632-5633, 2002
HIV‐1 protease molecular dynamics of a wild‐type and of the V82F/I84V mutant: Possible contributions to drug resistance and a potential new target site for drugs
AL Perryman, JH Lin, JA McCammon
Protein Science 13 (4), 1108-1123, 2004
The relaxed complex method: Accommodating receptor flexibility for drug design with an improved scoring scheme
JH Lin, AL Perryman, JR Schames, JA McCammon
Biopolymers: Original Research on Biomolecules 68 (1), 47-62, 2003
Statins increase p21 through inhibition of histone deacetylase activity and release of promoter-associated HDAC1/2
YC Lin, JH Lin, CW Chou, YF Chang, SH Yeh, CC Chen
Cancer research 68 (7), 2375-2383, 2008
idTarget: a web server for identifying protein targets of small chemical molecules with robust scoring functions and a divide-and-conquer docking approach
JC Wang, PY Chu, CM Chen, JH Lin
Nucleic acids research 40 (W1), W393-W399, 2012
Remarkable loop flexibility in avian influenza N1 and its implications for antiviral drug design
RE Amaro, DDL Minh, LS Cheng, WM Lindstrom, AJ Olson, JH Lin, WW Li, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (25), 7764-7765, 2007
Increased membrane affinity of the C1 domain of protein kinase Cδ compensates for the lack of involvement of its C2 domain in membrane recruitment
JR Giorgione, JH Lin, JA McCammon, AC Newton
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (3), 1660-1669, 2006
Stability of a melittin pore in a lipid bilayer: a molecular dynamics study
JH Lin, A Baumgaertner
Biophysical Journal 78 (4), 1714-1724, 2000
MEDock: a web server for efficient prediction of ligand binding sites based on a novel optimization algorithm
DTH Chang, YJ Oyang, JH Lin
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl_2), W233-W238, 2005
Genetic determinants of antithyroid drug-induced agranulocytosis by human leukocyte antigen genotyping and genome-wide association study
PL Chen, SR Shih, PW Wang, YC Lin, CC Chu, JH Lin, SC Chen, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7633, 2015
Improvement of porphyrins for G-quadruplex DNA targeting
C Romera, O Bombarde, R Bonnet, D Gomez, P Dumy, P Calsou, ...
Biochimie 93 (8), 1310-1317, 2011
Bridging implicit and explicit solvent approaches for membrane electrostatics
JH Lin, NA Baker, JA McCammon
Biophysical Journal 83 (3), 1374-1379, 2002
A new drug design targeting the adenosinergic system for Huntington's disease
NK Huang, JH Lin, JT Lin, CI Lin, EM Liu, CJ Lin, WP Chen, YC Shen, ...
PloS one 6 (6), e20934, 2011
Accommodating protein flexibility for structure-based drug design
JH Lin
Current topics in medicinal chemistry 11 (2), 171-178, 2011
Design and synthesis of dual-action inhibitors targeting histone deacetylases and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase for cancer treatment
JB Chen, TR Chern, TT Wei, CC Chen, JH Lin, JM Fang
Journal of medicinal chemistry 56 (9), 3645-3655, 2013
Restrained molecular dynamics simulations of HIV‐1 protease: the first step in validating a new target for drug design
AL Perryman, JH Lin, JA McCammon
Biopolymers: Original Research on Biomolecules 82 (3), 272-284, 2006
Robust scoring functions for protein–ligand interactions with quantum chemical charge models
JC Wang, JH Lin, CM Chen, AL Perryman, AJ Olson
Journal of chemical information and modeling 51 (10), 2528-2537, 2011
Scoring functions for prediction of protein-ligand interactions
JC Wang, JH Lin
Current pharmaceutical design 19 (12), 2174-2182, 2013
Structural insights into the gating of DNA passage by the topoisomerase II DNA-gate
SF Chen, NL Huang, JH Lin, CC Wu, YR Wang, YJ Yu, MK Gilson, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3085, 2018
Preparation of secolycorines against acetylcholinesterase
SS Lee, U Venkatesham, CP Rao, SH Lam, JH Lin
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 15 (2), 1034-1043, 2007
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