Slab penetration into the lower mantle beneath the Mariana and other island arcs of the northwest Pacific K Creager, T Jordan Journal of Geophysical Research 91, 3573-3589, 1986 | 547 | 1986 |
Anisotropy of the inner core from differential travel times of the phases PKP and PKIKP KC Creager Nature 356 (6367), 309-314, 1992 | 400 | 1992 |
Tidal modulation of nonvolcanic tremor JL Rubinstein, M La Rocca, JE Vidale, KC Creager, AG Wech Science 319 (5860), 186-189, 2008 | 283 | 2008 |
Non-volcanic tremor driven by large transient shear stresses JL Rubinstein, JE Vidale, J Gomberg, P Bodin, KC Creager, SD Malone Nature 448 (7153), 579-582, 2007 | 264 | 2007 |
Automated detection and location of Cascadia tremor AG Wech, KC Creager Geophysical Research Letters 35 (20), 2008 | 224 | 2008 |
Inner core rotation rate from small-scale heterogeneity and time-varying travel times KC Creager Science 278 (5341), 1284-1288, 1997 | 204 | 1997 |
A continuum of stress, strength and slip in the Cascadia subduction zone AG Wech, KC Creager Nature Geoscience 4 (9), 624-628, 2011 | 201 | 2011 |
Remote triggering of tremor along the San Andreas Fault in central California Z Peng, JE Vidale, AG Wech, RM Nadeau, KC Creager Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B7), 2009 | 201 | 2009 |
Aspherical structure of the core‐mantle boundary from PKP travel times KC Creager, TH Jordan Geophysical Research Letters 13 (13), 1497-1500, 1986 | 184 | 1986 |
Widespread triggering of nonvolcanic tremor in California J Gomberg, JL Rubinstein, Z Peng, KC Creager, JE Vidale, P Bodin Science 319 (5860), 173-173, 2008 | 182 | 2008 |
The Global Seismographic Network surpasses its design goal R Butler, T Lay, K Creager, P Earl, K Fischer, J Gaherty, G Laske, B Leith, ... Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 85 (23), 225-229, 2004 | 176 | 2004 |
Large‐scale variations in inner core anisotropy KC Creager Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B10), 23127-23139, 1999 | 176 | 1999 |
Rapid tremor reversals in Cascadia generated by a weakened plate interface H Houston, BG Delbridge, AG Wech, KC Creager Nature Geoscience 4 (6), 404-409, 2011 | 172 | 2011 |
Central Cascadia subduction zone creep GM Schmalzle, R McCaffrey, KC Creager Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15 (4), 1515-1532, 2014 | 165 | 2014 |
Seismic and geodetic constraints on Cascadia slow slip AG Wech, KC Creager, TI Melbourne Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B10), 2009 | 161 | 2009 |
Imaging the source region of Cascadia tremor and intermediate-depth earthquakes GA Abers, LS MacKenzie, S Rondenay, Z Zhang, AG Wech, KC Creager Geology 37 (12), 1119-1122, 2009 | 138 | 2009 |
Seismic wave triggering of nonvolcanic tremor, episodic tremor and slip, and earthquakes on Vancouver Island JL Rubinstein, J Gomberg, JE Vidale, AG Wech, H Kao, KC Creager, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B2), 2009 | 138 | 2009 |
Rapid, continuous streaking of tremor in Cascadia A Ghosh, JE Vidale, JR Sweet, KC Creager, AG Wech, H Houston, ... Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 11 (12), 2010 | 125 | 2010 |
Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens, Washington State, USA E Kiser, I Palomeras, A Levander, C Zelt, S Harder, B Schmandt, ... Geology 44 (6), 411-414, 2016 | 124 | 2016 |