Li-Yong Shen
Li-Yong Shen
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Curve fitting and optimal interpolation for CNC machining under confined error using quadratic B-splines
Z Yang, LY Shen, CM Yuan, XS Gao
Computer-Aided Design 66, 62-72, 2015
Tool orientation optimization for 5-axis machining with C-space method
Z Mi, CM Yuan, X Ma, LY Shen
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 88, 1243-1255, 2017
Computing μ-bases of rational curves and surfaces using polynomial matrix factorization
J Deng, F Chen, L Shen
Proceedings of the 2005 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 2005
Implicitization and parametrization of quadratic and cubic surfaces by μ-bases
F Chen, L Shen, J Deng
Computing 79, 131-142, 2007
Certified space curve fitting and trajectory planning for CNC machining with cubic B-splines
F Lin, LY Shen, CM Yuan, Z Mi
Computer-Aided Design 106, 13-29, 2019
Implicitizing rational tensor product surfaces using the resultant of three moving planes
LY Shen, R Goldman
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (5), 1-14, 2017
Certified approximation of parametric space curves with cubic B-spline curves
LY Shen, CM Yuan, XS Gao
Computer Aided Geometric Design 29 (8), 648-663, 2012
Characterization of rational ruled surfaces
LY Shen, S Pérez-Díaz
Journal of Symbolic Computation 63, 21-45, 2014
Generating exact nonlinear ranking functions by symbolic-numeric hybrid method
L Shen, M Wu, Z Yang, Z Zeng
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 26 (2), 291-301, 2013
Tool orientation optimization and path planning for 5-axis machining
C Yuan, Z Mi, X Jia, F Lin, L Shen
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 34 (1), 83-106, 2021
Collision and intersection detection of two ruled surfaces using bracket method
Y Chen, LY Shen, CM Yuan
Computer aided geometric design 28 (2), 114-126, 2011
Implicitization using univariate resultants
L Shen, C Yuan
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 23 (4), 804-814, 2010
Strong -Bases for Rational Tensor Product Surfaces and Extraneous Factors Associated to Bad Base Points and Anomalies at Infinity
LY Shen, R Goldman
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 1 (1), 328-351, 2017
Proper reparametrization of rational ruled surface
J Li, LY Shen, XS Gao
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 23 (2), 290-297, 2008
Inherently improper surface parametric supports
EW Chionh, XS Gao, LY Shen
Computer Aided Geometric Design 23 (8), 629-639, 2006
Homeomorphic approximation of the intersection curve of two rational surfaces
LY Shen, JS Cheng, X Jia
Computer aided geometric design 29 (8), 613-625, 2012
Computing μ-bases from algebraic ruled surfaces
LY Shen
Computer Aided Geometric Design 46, 125-130, 2016
Fuzzy multiclass support vector machines for unbalanced data
Y Wu, L Shen, S Zhang
2017 29th Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC), 2227-2231, 2017
Asymmetrical Pythagorean-hodograph spline-based continuous local corner smoothing method with jerk-continuous feedrate scheduling along linear toolpath
X Jiang, Y Hu, G Huo, C Su, B Wang, H Li, LY Shen, Z Zheng
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 121 (9), 5731 …, 2022
Algorithms for computing strong μ-bases for rational tensor product surfaces
LY Shen, R Goldman
Computer Aided Geometric Design 52, 48-62, 2017
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