Jiří Kalina
Jiří Kalina
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Precise CRISPR/Cas9 editing of the NHE1 gene renders chickens resistant to the J subgroup of avian leukosis virus
A Koslová, P Trefil, J Mucksová, M Reinišová, J Plachý, J Kalina, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (4), 2108-2112, 2020
An overview of worldwide and regional time trends in total mercury levels in human blood and breast milk from 1966 to 2015 and their associations with health effects
BM Sharma, O Sáňka, J Kalina, M Scheringer
Environment international 125, 300-319, 2019
Restoration of spermatogenesis and male fertility by transplantation of dispersed testicular cells in the chicken
P Trefil, A Micáková, J Mucksová, J Hejnar, M Poplstein, MR Bakst, ...
Biology of Reproduction 75 (4), 575-581, 2006
Gallin; an antimicrobial peptide member of a new avian defensin family, the ovodefensins, has been subject to recent gene duplication
D Gong, PW Wilson, MM Bain, K McDade, J Kalina, V Hervé-Grépinet, ...
BMC immunology 11, 1-15, 2010
Integrovaný systém nakládání s odpady na regionální úrovni
J Hřebíček, B Friedman, M Hejč, Z Horsák, T Chudárek, J Kalina, F Piliar
Nakladatelství Littera, PhDr. Karel Kovařík, 2009
Predictive modelling as a tool for effective municipal waste management policy at different territorial levels
M Rosecký, R Šomplák, J Slavík, J Kalina, G Bulková, J Bednář
Journal of Environmental Management 291, 112584, 2021
Spatial distribution and risk assessment of metals in agricultural soils
Z Bednářová, J Kalina, O Hájek, M Sáňka, K Komprdová
Geoderma 284, 113-121, 2016
Retrovirus-mediated in vitro gene transfer into chicken male germ line cells
J Kalina, F Šenigl, A Micáková, J Mucksová, J Blazková, H Yan, ...
Reproduction 134 (3), 445-453, 2007
Temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants across Africa after a decade of MONET passive air sampling
KB White, J Kalina, M Scheringer, P Přibylová, P Kukučka, J Kohoutek, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (14), 9413-9424, 2020
Male fertility restored by transplanting primordial germ cells into testes: a new way towards efficient transgenesis in chicken
P Trefil, D Aumann, A Koslová, J Mucksová, B Benešová, J Kalina, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14246, 2017
Using long-term air monitoring of semi-volatile organic compounds to evaluate the uncertainty in polyurethane-disk passive sampler-derived air concentrations
E Holt, P Bohlin-Nizzetto, J Borůvková, T Harner, J Kalina, L Melymuk, ...
Environmental Pollution 220, 1100-1111, 2017
Seasonality and indoor/outdoor relationships of flame retardants and PCBs in residential air
L Melymuk, P Bohlin-Nizzetto, P Kukučka, Š Vojta, J Kalina, P Čupr, ...
Environmental Pollution 218, 392-401, 2016
Time-trends in human urinary concentrations of phthalates and substitutes DEHT and DINCH in Asian and North American countries (2009–2019)
E Domínguez-Romero, K Komprdová, J Kalina, J Bessems, S Karakitsios, ...
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 33 (2), 244-254, 2023
Restoration of spermatogenesis after transplantation of c-Kit positive testicular cells in the fowl
P Trefil, MR Bakst, H Yan, J Hejnar, J Kalina, J Mucksová
Theriogenology 74 (9), 1670-1676, 2010
Passive air samplers as a tool for assessing long-term trends in atmospheric concentrations of semivolatile organic compounds
J Kalina, M Scheringer, J Borůvková, P Kukučka, P Přibylová, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (12), 7047-7054, 2017
A comprehensive assessment of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in an Indian food basket: Levels, dietary intakes, and comparison with European data
BM Sharma, GK Bharat, P Chakraborty, J Martiník, O Audy, P Kukučka, ...
Environmental Pollution 288, 117750, 2021
Comparability of long-term temporal trends of POPs from co-located active and passive air monitoring networks in Europe
J Kalina, KB White, M Scheringer, P Přibylová, P Kukučka, O Audy, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 21 (7), 1132-1142, 2019
Exposure to flame retardants in European children—Results from the HBM4EU aligned studies
V van Der Schyff, J Kalina, E Govarts, L Gilles, G Schoeters, A Castaño, ...
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 247, 114070, 2023
Knock-out of retrovirus receptor gene Tva in the chicken confers resistance to avian leukosis virus subgroups A and K and affects cobalamin (vitamin B12)-dependent level of …
A Koslová, P Trefil, J Mucksová, V Krchlíková, J Plachý, J Krijt, ...
Viruses 13 (12), 2504, 2021
Field-and model-based calibration of polyurethane foam passive air samplers in different climate regions highlights differences in sampler uptake performance
P Bohlin-Nizzetto, L Melymuk, KB White, J Kalina, VO Madadi, ...
Atmospheric Environment 238, 117742, 2020
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