Eduardo Roldán Reyes
Eduardo Roldán Reyes
Full time Researcher at Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba
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Syncytial hepatitis of farmed tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.): a case report.
HW Ferguson, R Kabuusu, S Beltran, E Reyes, JA Lince, J del Pozo
Journal of fish diseases 37 (6), 2014
Toward an eco-innovative method based on a better use of resources: application to chemical process preliminary design
S Negny, JP Belaud, GC Robles, ER Reyes, JB Ferrer
Journal of Cleaner Production 32, 101-113, 2012
Improvement of online adaptation knowledge acquisition and reuse in case-based reasoning: Application to process engineering design
ER Reyes, S Négny, GC Robles, JM Le Lann
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 41, 1-16, 2015
Discovery of immunoglobulin T in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): A potential molecular marker to understand mucosal immunity in this species
J Velázquez, J Acosta, JM Lugo, E Reyes, F Herrera, O González, ...
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 88, 124-136, 2018
Integration of a text mining approach in the strategic planning process of small and medium-sized enterprises
C Vasquez Rojas, E Roldan Reyes, F Aguirre y Hernandez, ...
Industrial Management & Data Systems 118 (4), 745-764, 2018
Constraint satisfaction problem for case-based reasoning adaptation: application in process design
E Roldan, S Neágny, JM Le Lann, G Cortes
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 28, 397-402, 2010
A service design process based on the business model CANVAS and the CK theory
SE Castillo-López, SK Flores Guirao, E Roldán-Reyes, ...
Managing Innovation in Highly Restrictive Environments: Lessons from Latin …, 2019
Optimización de las rutas de reparto de helado de la empresa Fricongelados Citlaltépetl
E Roldán, C Moras, A Aguilar
Ingeniería Industrial 1 (1), 2007
Modified Case Based Reasoning cycle for Expert Knowledge Acquisition during Process design.
E Roldán, S Negny, JM Le Lann, G Cortés
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 29, 296-300, 2011
Evaluación, diagnostico patológico y propuesta de Intervención del Puente Romero Aguirre
C Contreras, E Reyes
Trabajo de Grado. Cartagena, Bolivar: Universidad de Cartagena, Facultad de …, 2014
The knowledge-based maintenance: An approach for reusing experiences in industrial systems
LA López-Ramos, G Cortés-Robles, E Roldán-Reyes, G Alor-Hernández, ...
Best Practices in Manufacturing Processes: Experiences from Latin America …, 2019
Integration of Sentiment Analysis of Social Media in the Strategic Planning Process to Generate the Balanced Scorecard
JR Grande-Ramírez, E Roldán-Reyes, AA Aguilar-Lasserre, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (23), 12307, 2022
Procesador de comentarios laborales que detecta mobbing mediante análisis sentimental
VMC Beltrán, FAY Hernández, ER Reyes, ER Flores, GC Zepeda
Revista Vínculos ESPE 7 (1), 79-87, 2022
Techkatl: A Sentiment Analysis Model to Identify the Polarity of Mexican's Tourism Opinions.
ER Reyes
IberLEF@ SEPLN, 171-178, 2021
Candidate wells selection and ranking based on data mining and multi-criteria decision analysis techniques
HDP Galicia, ER Reyes, L Sheremetov
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-19, 2021
Innovación tecnológica en la práctica de Mhealth mediante una App como soporte a la terapia ocupacional infantil
LAO Méndez, MLF Cedillo, ER Reyes, ÁLR Morales, MLM Barbosa
Salus 23 (3), 24-27, 2019
Extraction et modélisation de connaissances: Application à la conception de procédés
E Roldan Reyes
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 2012
Diseño e Implementación de un Asistente Virtual Inteligente para la Administración Estratégica Digital en la Atención de Clientes de Postventa en un Distribuidor Automotriz
FJR Villa, F Aguirre, EAR Flores, VRC Intriago, ER Reyes
Estudios y Perspectivas Revista Científica y Académica 4 (3), 393-411, 2024
La profesionalización como factor clave en la competitividad de emprendimientos femeninos: Professionalization as a key factor in the competitiveness of women's businesses
TT González, GC Zepeda, VRC Intriago, MG Córdova, ER Reyes
LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades 5 (1), 3116 …, 2024
Herramienta de geolocalización para fortalecer la evaluación de desempeño del capital humano: Geolocation tool to strengthen the performance evaluation of human capital
MEV Cajina, EAR Flores, MP Utrera, ER Reyes, MS Medina
LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades 5 (1), 1504 …, 2024
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