Deep IV: A flexible approach for counterfactual prediction J Hartford, G Lewis, K Leyton-Brown, M Taddy International Conference on Machine Learning, 1414-1423, 2017 | 576* | 2017 |
Procurement contracting with time incentives: Theory and evidence G Lewis, P Bajari The Quarterly Journal of Economics 126 (3), 1173-1211, 2011 | 406* | 2011 |
Asymmetric information, adverse selection and online disclosure: The case of eBay motors G Lewis Adverse Selection and Online Disclosure: The Case of eBay Motors (Jan 12, 2010), 2009 | 392 | 2009 |
Student portfolios and the college admissions problem H Chade, G Lewis, L Smith Aizona State University, Harvard University, and University of Wisconsin, 2011 | 246* | 2011 |
Just starting out: Learning and equilibrium in a new market U Doraszelski, G Lewis, A Pakes American Economic Review 108 (3), 565-615, 2018 | 164 | 2018 |
Voluntary disclosure and personalized pricing SN Ali, G Lewis, S Vasserman Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 537-538, 2020 | 144 | 2020 |
Buy-it-now or Take-a-chance: Price Discrimination through Randomized Auctions LE Celis, G Lewis, MM Mobius, H Nazerzadeh National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012 | 130* | 2012 |
Moral hazard, incentive contracts, and risk: evidence from procurement G Lewis, P Bajari Review of Economic Studies 81 (3), 1201-1228, 2014 | 126 | 2014 |
EconML: a Python package for ML-based heterogeneous treatment effects estimation K Battocchi, E Dillon, M Hei, G Lewis, P Oka, M Oprescu, V Syrgkanis Version 0. x, 2019 | 113 | 2019 |
Minimax estimation of conditional moment models N Dikkala, G Lewis, L Mackey, V Syrgkanis Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 12248-12262, 2020 | 102 | 2020 |
Dynamic Demand Estimation in Auction Markets M Backus, G Lewis | 80* | 2012 |
Machine learning estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects with instruments V Syrgkanis, V Lei, M Oprescu, M Hei, K Battocchi, G Lewis Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019 | 72 | 2019 |
The welfare impact of consumer reviews: A case study of the hotel industry G Lewis, G Zervas Unpublished manuscript, 2016 | 72* | 2016 |
Adversarial generalized method of moments G Lewis, V Syrgkanis arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.07164, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |
Double/debiased machine learning for dynamic treatment effects via g-estimation G Lewis, V Syrgkanis arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.07285, 2020 | 41* | 2020 |
Semi-parametric efficient policy learning with continuous actions V Chernozhukov, M Demirer, G Lewis, V Syrgkanis Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019 | 40 | 2019 |
You can lead a horse to water: Spatial learning and path dependence in consumer search C Hodgson, G Lewis National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023 | 35 | 2023 |
Causal inference and machine learning in practice with econml and causalml: Industrial use cases at microsoft, tripadvisor, uber V Syrgkanis, G Lewis, M Oprescu, M Hei, K Battocchi, E Dillon, J Pan, ... Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery & data …, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
Online Search and Optimal Product Rankings: An Empirical Framework G Compiani, G Lewis, S Peng, P Wang Marketing Science 43 (3), 615-636, 2024 | 21* | 2024 |
Justifications for TSLS and a mostly harmless improvement J Chen, DL Chen, G Lewis | 21* | 2024 |