Nicolas MONTES
Nicolas MONTES
Maître de Conférences, Aix-Marseille Université
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A non-destructive method for estimating above-ground forest biomass in threatened woodlands
N Montes, T Gauquelin, W Badri, V Bertaudiere, EH Zaoui
Forest Ecology and Management 130 (1-3), 37-46, 2000
Endangered stands of thuriferous juniper in the western Mediterranean basin: ecological status, conservation and management
T Gauquelin, V Bertaudiere, N Montes, W Badri, J Asmode
Biodiversity & Conservation 8, 1479-1498, 1999
Plant litter diversity increases microbial abundance, fungal diversity, and carbon and nitrogen cycling in a Mediterranean shrubland
M Santonja, A Rancon, N Fromin, V Baldy, S Hättenschwiler, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 111, 124-134, 2017
The use of compost in afforestation of Mediterranean areas: effects on soil properties and young tree seedlings
M Larchevêque, C Ballini, N Korboulewsky, N Montès
Science of the total Environment 369 (1-3), 220-230, 2006
Sex ratio and sexual dimorphism in mountain dioecious thuriferous juniper (Juniperus thurifera L., Cupressaceae)
T Gauquelin, A Bertaudière-Montès, W Badri, N Montès
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 138 (2), 237-244, 2002
Short‐term effects of sewage‐sludge compost on a degraded Mediterranean soil
M Larchevêque, V Baldy, N Montes, C Fernandez, G Bonin, C Ballini
Soil Science Society of America Journal 70 (4), 1178-1188, 2006
A comparative study of aboveground biomass of three Mediterranean species in a post-fire succession
N Montès, C Ballini, G Bonin, J Faures
Acta oecologica 25 (1-2), 1-6, 2004
Can traditional forest management buffer forest depletion? Dynamics of Moroccan High Atlas Mountain forests using remote sensing and vegetation analysis
S Hammi, V Simonneaux, JB Cordier, D Genin, M Alifriqui, N Montes, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (10), 1861-1872, 2010
Does competition stress decrease allelopathic potential?
A Rivoal, C Fernandez, S Greff, N Montes, B Vila
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 39 (4-6), 401-407, 2011
On the relative importance of the effects of selection and complementarity as drivers of diversity–productivity relationships in Mediterranean shrublands
N Montès, FT Maestre, C Ballini, V Baldy, T Gauquelin, M Planquette, ...
Oikos 117 (9), 1345-1350, 2008
Biomass and nutrient content of a semi-arid mountain ecosystem: the Juniperus thurifera L. woodland of Azzaden Valley (Morocco)
N Montès, V Bertaudière-Montes, W Badri, EH Zaoui, T Gauquelin
Forest Ecology and management 166 (1-3), 35-43, 2002
Evolution des recouvrements forestiers et de l'Occupation des sols entre 1964 et 2002 dans la haute vallée des Ait Bouguemez (Haut Atlas Central, Maroc). Impact des modes de …
S Hammi, V Simonneaux, M Alifriqui, L Auclair, N Montes
Science et changements planétaires/Sécheresse 18, 271-277, 2007
Vegetation dynamics after compost amendment in a Mediterranean post-fire ecosystem
M Larchevêque, N Montès, V Baldy, S Dupouyet
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 110 (3-4), 241-248, 2005
Shrub species richness decreases negative impacts of drought in a Mediterranean ecosystem
N Rodriguez‐Ramirez, M Santonja, V Baldy, C Ballini, N Montès
Journal of Vegetation Science 28 (5), 985-996, 2017
Dendroécologie du genévrier thurifère (Juniperus thurifera L.): exemple de la thuriféraie de la montagne de Rié (Pyrénées, France)
V Bertaudière, N Montes, T Gauquelin, JL Édouard
Annals of Forest Science 56 (8), 685-697, 1999
Restoration of a Mediterranean postfire shrubland: plant functional responses to organic soil amendment
M Larchevêque, C Ballini, V Baldy, N Korboulewsky, E Ormeño, N Montès
Restoration Ecology 18 (5), 729-741, 2010
A non-destructive method to estimate biomass in arid environments: A comment on
N Montès
Journal of Arid Environments 73 (6-7), 599-601, 2009
Can compost improve Quercus pubescens Willd establishment in a Mediterranean post-fire shrubland?
M Larchevêque, N Montès, V Baldy, C Ballini
Bioresource Technology 99 (9), 3754-3764, 2008
Potentialités, dynamique et gestion d'une formation arborée à Genévrier Thurifère (Juniperus Thurifera L.) des Atlas marocains: le cas de la vallée de l'Azzaden
N Montès
Université Toulouse le Mirail-Toulouse II, 1999
Cycle biogeochimique et hétérogénéité édaphique des groupements forestiers pré-steppiques à Genévrier thurifère du Haut Atlas de Marrakech (Maroc)
T Gauquelin, V Bertaudiere, N Montes, W Badri
Ecologie 29 (1/2), 177, 1998
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