Maria Cecilia Martinez
Maria Cecilia Martinez
IFIBIO - UBA Conicet
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Behavioral tagging is a general mechanism of long-term memory formation
F Ballarini, D Moncada, MC Martinez, N Alen, H Viola
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (34), 14599-14604, 2009
Identification of transmitter systems and learning tag molecules involved in behavioral tagging during memory formation
D Moncada, F Ballarini, MC Martinez, JU Frey, H Viola
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (31), 12931-12936, 2011
Memory in elementary school children is improved by an unrelated novel experience
F Ballarini, MC Martínez, M Díaz Perez, D Moncada, H Viola
PloS one 8 (6), e66875, 2013
The tagging and capture hypothesis from synapse to memory
H Viola, F Ballarini, MC Martínez, D Moncada
Progress in molecular biology and translational science 122, 391-423, 2014
Retroactive interference of object‐in‐context long‐term memory: role of dorsal hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex
MC Martínez, ME Villar, F Ballarini, H Viola
Hippocampus 24 (12), 1482-1492, 2014
Hesperidin, a flavonoid glycoside with sedative effect, decreases brain pERK1/2 levels in mice
MC Martínez, SP Fernandez, LM Loscalzo, C Wasowski, AC Paladini, ...
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 92 (2), 291-296, 2009
Memory traces compete under regimes of limited Arc protein synthesis: implications for memory interference
MC Martínez, N Alen, F Ballarini, D Moncada, H Viola
Neurobiology of learning and memory 98 (2), 165-173, 2012
Memory consolidation and expression of object recognition are susceptible to retroactive interference
ME Villar, MC Martinez, PL da Cunha, F Ballarini, H Viola
Neurobiology of learning and memory 138, 198-205, 2017
The behavioral tagging hypothesis and its implications for long-term memory formation
D Moncada, F Ballarini, MC Martinez, H Viola
Synaptic tagging and capture: From synapses to behavior, 231-259, 2015
Spatial memory deficits in Alzheimer’s disease and their connection to cognitive maps’ formation by grid and place cells
A Silva, MC Martinez
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 16, 543, 0
Dorsal striatum coding for the timely execution of action sequences
MC Martinez, CL Zold, MA Coletti, MG Murer, MA Belluscio
elife 11, e74929, 2022
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