Tracey Henry
Tracey Henry
Assistant Professor of Medicine
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Mild hypercholesterolemia is an early risk factor for the development of Alzheimer amyloid pathology
MA Pappolla, TK Bryant-Thomas, D Herbert, J Pacheco, M Fabra Garcia, ...
Neurology 61 (2), 199-205, 2003
Melatonin increases survival and inhibits oxidative and amyloid pathology in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease
E Matsubara, T Bryant‐Thomas, J Pacheco Quinto, TL Henry, ...
Journal of Neurochemistry 85 (5), 1101-1108, 2003
Improving behavioral health equity through cultural competence training of health care providers
B McGregor, A Belton, TL Henry, G Wrenn, KB Holden
Ethnicity & disease 29 (Suppl 2), 359, 2019
Adverse childhood experiences in African Americans: Framework, practice, and policy.
JN Hampton-Anderson, S Carter, N Fani, CF Gillespie, TL Henry, ...
American Psychologist 76 (2), 314, 2021
Nocardia-Induced Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Is Neutralized by Autoantibodies in Disseminated/Extrapulmonary Nocardiosis
LB Rosen, N Rocha Pereira, C Figueiredo, LC Fiske, RA Ressner, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 60 (7), 1017-1025, 2015
Racism and health in the United States: a policy statement from the American College of Physicians
J Serchen, R Doherty, O Atiq, D Hilden, ...
Annals of Internal Medicine 173 (7), 556-557, 2020
Focusing on vulnerable populations during COVID-19
SR Kuy, R Tsai, J Bhatt, QD Chu, P Gandhi, R Gupta, R Gupta, MK Hole, ...
Academic Medicine 95 (11), e2-e3, 2020
Consolidated academic and research exposition: a pilot study of an innovative education method to increase residents' research involvement
IB Ray, TL Henry, W Davis, J Alam, RG Amedee, WW Pinsky
Ochsner Journal 12 (4), 367-372, 2012
Collaborative patient-and family-centered care for hospitalized individuals: Best practices for hospitalist care teams.
NJ Kaslow, SE Dunn, T Henry, C Partin, J Newsome, C O'Donnell, ...
Families, Systems, & Health 38 (2), 200, 2020
Do transition towns have the potential to promote health and well-being? A health impact assessment of a transition town initiative
J Richardson, A Nichols, T Henry
Public Health 126 (11), 982-989, 2012
Reallocating ventilators during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: Is it ethical?
Q Chu, R Correa, TL Henry, KA McGregor, H Stoklosa, L Robinson, S Jha, ...
Surgery 168 (3), 388-391, 2020
Taking a closer look at mental health treatment differences: Effectiveness of mental health treatment by provider type in racial and ethnic minorities
TL Henry, A Jetty, S Petterson, H Jaffree, A Ramsay, E Heiman, ...
Journal of primary care & community health 11, 2150132720966403, 2020
Qualitative research study on addressing barriers to healthy diet among low-income individuals at an urban, safety-net hospital
E Cahill, SR Schmidt, TL Henry, G Kumar, S Berney, J Bussey-Jones, ...
BMJ nutrition, prevention & health 3 (2), 383, 2020
Statin-induced necrotizing autoimmune myopathy
B Gawey, M Tannu, J Rim, L Sperling, TL Henry
Case Reports 2 (3), 440-443, 2020
Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (DIPNECH) with liver metastases
K Flint, C Ye, TL Henry
BMJ Case Reports CP 12 (6), e228536, 2019
Improving depression screening in underserved populations in a large urban academic primary care center: a provider-centered analysis and approach
TL Henry, S Schmidt, MB Lund, T Haynes, D Ford, H Egwuogu, S Schmitz, ...
American Journal of Medical Quality 35 (4), 315-322, 2020
Rethinking the use of “Caucasian” in clinical language and curricula: a trainee’s call to action
LJ Shamambo, TL Henry
Journal of General Internal Medicine 37 (7), 1780-1782, 2022
Health equity: the only path forward for primary care
TL Henry, JB Britz, JS Louis, R Bruno, CIA Oronce, A Georgeson, ...
The Annals of Family Medicine 20 (2), 175-178, 2022
Comparing comprehensiveness in primary care specialties and their effects on healthcare costs and hospitalizations in medicare beneficiaries
TL Henry, S Petterson, RS Phillips, RL Phillips, A Bazemore
Journal of General Internal Medicine 34, 2708-2710, 2019
A network approach to facilitating continuity of care for patients with chronic diseases in the aftermath of a natural disaster
M Arrieta, R Foreman, E Crook, ML Icenogle, SY Nelson, T Henry, MS II, ...
Mobile, AL: Center for Healthy Communities Research Office, University of …, 2007
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