Agathe Bour
Agathe Bour
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Environmentally relevant approaches to assess nanoparticles ecotoxicity: a review
A Bour, F Mouchet, J Silvestre, L Gauthier, E Pinelli
Journal of hazardous materials 283, 764-777, 2015
Presence of microplastics in benthic and epibenthic organisms: Influence of habitat, feeding mode and trophic level
A Bour, CG Avio, S Gorbi, F Regoli, K Hylland
Environmental Pollution 243, 1217-1225, 2018
Environmentally relevant microplastic exposure affects sediment-dwelling bivalves
A Bour, A Haarr, S Keiter, K Hylland
Environmental pollution 236, 652-660, 2018
Toxicity of CeO2 nanoparticles at different trophic levels–effects on diatoms, chironomids and amphibians
A Bour, F Mouchet, L Verneuil, L Evariste, J Silvestre, E Pinelli, L Gauthier
Chemosphere 120, 230-236, 2015
Thymus-specific serine protease contributes to the diversification of the functional endogenous CD4 T cell receptor repertoire
C Viret, C Lamare, M Guiraud, N Fazilleau, A Bour, B Malissen, A Carrier, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 208 (1), 3-11, 2011
Toxicity of CeO2 nanoparticles on a freshwater experimental trophic chain: A study in environmentally relevant conditions through the use of mesocosms
A Bour, F Mouchet, S Cadarsi, J Silvestre, L Verneuil, D Baqué, ...
Nanotoxicology 10 (2), 245-255, 2016
Synthetic microfiber and microbead exposure and retention time in model aquatic species under different exposure scenarios
A Bour, S Hossain, M Taylor, M Sumner, B Carney Almroth
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 83, 2020
Impact of CeO 2 nanoparticles on the functions of freshwater ecosystems: a microcosm study
A Bour, F Mouchet, S Cadarsi, J Silvestre, E Chauvet, JM Bonzom, ...
Environmental Science: Nano 3 (4), 830-838, 2016
Immunotoxicity and disease resistance in Japanese quail (Corturnix coturnix japonica) exposed to malathion
S Nain, A Bour, C Chalmers, JEG Smits
Ecotoxicology 20, 892-900, 2011
Ecotoxicological impacts of micro-and nanoplastics in terrestrial and aquatic environments
T Gomes, A Bour, C Coutris, AC Almeida, IL Bråte, R Wolf, MS Bank, ...
Microplastic in the environment: Pattern and process, 199-260, 2022
Microplastic vector effects: are fish at risk when exposed via the trophic chain?
A Bour, J Sturve, J Höjesjö, B Carney Almroth
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 90, 2020
CeO2 nanoparticle fate in environmental conditions and toxicity on a freshwater predator species: a microcosm study
A Bour, F Mouchet, S Cadarsi, J Silvestre, D Baqué, L Gauthier, E Pinelli
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 17081-17089, 2017
Comprehending the complexity of microplastic organismal exposures and effects, to improve testing frameworks
A Bour, MH Sandgaard, K Syberg, A Palmqvist, BC Almroth
Journal of Hazardous Materials 415, 125652, 2021
Smokers’ behaviour and the toxicity of cigarette filters to aquatic life: a multidisciplinary study
T Nitschke, A Bour, M Bergquist, M Blanchard, F Molinari, BC Almroth
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 3 (1), 1, 2023
Single-use take-away cups of paper are as toxic to aquatic midge larvae as plastic cups
BC Almroth, A Carle, M Blanchard, F Molinari, A Bour
Environmental Pollution 330, 121836, 2023
Sediment matters as a route of microplastic exposure: A call for more research on the benthic compartment
MH Sandgaard, A Palmqvist, A Bour, SN Grønlund, A Hooge, H Selck, ...
Frontiers in marine science 9, 1100567, 2023
Implications of circular textile policies for the future regulation of hazardous substances in textiles in the European Union
A Bour, TB Christensen, AD Hunka, A Palmqvist, E Skjold, K Syberg
Science of The Total Environment 896, 165153, 2023
A not so circular healthcare economy: A review of challenges with plastic associated chemicals
TM Ramos, TB Christensen, A Bour, BC Almroth, DM Kristensen, H Selck, ...
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 117191, 2023
Accurate science requires that we base our work on accurate publications
B Carney Almroth, F Jutfelt, A Bour
Environmental Pollution 261, 114238, 2020
Exposure to textile microfibers causes no effect on blood, behavior and tissue morphology in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
A Bour, D Leoni, H Sundh, BC Almroth
Marine Pollution Bulletin 180, 113755, 2022
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