Emily Grise
Emily Grise
University of Alberta School of Urban & Regional Planning
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Invest in the ride: A 14 year longitudinal analysis of the determinants of public transport ridership in 25 North American cities
G Boisjoly, E Grisé, M Maguire, MP Veillette, R Deboosere, E Berrebi, ...
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 116, 434-445, 2018
Elevating access: Comparing accessibility to jobs by public transport for individuals with and without a physical disability
E Grisé, G Boisjoly, M Maguire, A El-Geneidy
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 125, 280-293, 2019
Where is the happy transit rider? Evaluating satisfaction with regional rail service using a spatial segmentation approach
E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 114, 84-96, 2018
Evaluating the relationship between socially (dis) advantaged neighbourhoods and customer satisfaction of bus service in London, UK
E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Journal of transport geography 58, 166-175, 2017
I only get some satisfaction: Introducing satisfaction into measures of accessibility
N Chaloux, G Boisjoly, E Grisé, A El-Geneidy, D Levinson
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 62, 833-843, 2019
If we build it, who will benefit? A multi-criteria approach for the prioritization of new bicycle lanes in Quebec City, Canada
E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Journal of transport and land use 11 (1), 217-235, 2018
Resolving the accessibility dilemma: Comparing cumulative and gravity-based measures of accessibility in eight Canadian cities
B Kapatsila, MS Palacios, E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Journal of Transport Geography 107, 103530, 2023
Does one bicycle facility type fit all? Evaluating the stated usage of different types of bicycle facilities among cyclists in Quebec City, Canada
MP Veillette, E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Transportation research record 2673 (6), 650-663, 2019
A geography of child and elderly pedestrian injury in the City of Toronto, Canada
E Grisé, R Buliung, L Rothman, A Howard
Journal of transport geography 66, 321-329, 2018
When I’m 64: Assessing generational differences in public transit use of seniors in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
L Fordham, E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Transportation Research Record 2651 (1), 31-41, 2017
Park ‘n’roll: identifying and prioritizing locations for new bicycle parking in Québec City, Canada
MP Veillette, E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Transportation research record 2672 (36), 73-82, 2018
Get on board: Assessing an all-door boarding pilot project in Montreal, Canada
A El-Geneidy, D van Lierop, E Grisé, G Boisjoly, D Swallow, L Fordham, ...
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 99, 114-124, 2017
Evaluating methods for measuring daily walking to public transport: Balancing accuracy and data availability
E Grisé, R Wasfi, NA Ross, A El-Geneidy
Journal of Transport & Health 15, 100638, 2019
Identifying the bias: Evaluating effectiveness of automatic data collection methods in estimating details of bus dwell time
E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Transportation Research Record 2647 (1), 33-40, 2017
Transferring matters: Analysis of the influence of transfers on trip satisfaction
E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Transportation Research Record 2673 (9), 254-265, 2019
Evolution in land use and transportation research
D van Lierop, G Boisjoly, E Grisé, A El-Geneidy
Planning knowledge and research, 110-131, 2017
From riding to driving: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on public transit in Metro Vancouver
B Kapatsila, E Grisé, D van Lierop, FJ Bahamonde-Birke
Findings, 2022
Measuring the added effectiveness of using detailed spatial and temporal data in generating accessibility measures
B Cui, E Grisé, A Stewart, A El-Geneidy
Network Design Lab, 2019
Planning a high-frequency transfer-based bus network
E Grisé, AF Stewart, A El-Geneidy
Journal of Transport and Land Use 14 (1), 863-884, 2021
The impacts of varying survey design on reported trip satisfaction
E Grisé, B Cui, A Turim, K Manaugh, A El-Geneidy
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 761-769, 2019
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