Fabio Ercoli
Fabio Ercoli
Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery, Estonian Un
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Does the introduced signal crayfish occupy an equivalent trophic niche to the lost native noble crayfish in boreal lakes?
F Ercoli, TJ Ruokonen, H Hämäläinen, RI Jones
Biological Invasions 16, 2025-2036, 2014
Trophic role of marbled crayfish in a lentic freshwater ecosystem
B Lipták, L Veselý, F Ercoli, M Bláha, M Buřič, T Ruokonen, A Kouba
Aquatic Invasions 14 (2), 2019
Trophic niches of three sympatric invasive crayfish of EU concern
L Veselý, TJ Ruokonen, A Weiperth, J Kubec, B Szajbert, W Guo, F Ercoli, ...
Hydrobiologia 848, 727-737, 2021
Parasites in sympatric populations of native and invasive freshwater bivalves
J Taskinen, M Urbańska, F Ercoli, W Andrzejewski, M Ożgo, B Deng, ...
Hydrobiologia 848, 3167-3178, 2021
Genome analysis of the monoclonal marbled crayfish reveals genetic separation over a short evolutionary timescale
O Maiakovska, R Andriantsoa, S Tönges, C Legrand, J Gutekunst, ...
Communications biology 4 (1), 74, 2021
First record of an established marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis (Lyko, 2017) population in Estonia
F Ercoli, K Kaldre, T Paaver, R Gross
BioInvasions Records 8 (3), 2019
The introduced signal crayfish and native noble crayfish have different effects on sublittoral macroinvertebrate assemblages in boreal lakes
F Ercoli, TJ Ruokonen, S Koistinen, RI Jones, H Hämäläinen
Freshwater Biology 60 (8), 1688-1698, 2015
Differing trophic niches of three French stygobionts and their implications for conservation of endemic stygofauna
F Ercoli, F Lefebvre, M Delangle, N Godé, M Caillon, R Raimond, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (12), 2193-2203, 2019
Comparing the effects of introduced signal crayfish and native noble crayfish on the littoral invertebrate assemblages of boreal lakes
F Ercoli, TJ Ruokonen, E Erkamo, RI Jones, H Hämäläinen
Freshwater Science 34 (2), 555-563, 2015
Introduced alien signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in Finland− uncontrollable expansion despite numerous crayfisheries strategies
TJ Ruokonen, R Sjövik, E Erkamo, J Tulonen, F Ercoli, H Kokko, J Jussila
Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 27, 2018
The crayfish distribution, feeding plasticity, seasonal isotopic variation and trophic role across ontogeny and habitat in a canyon-shaped reservoir
L Veselý, F Ercoli, TJ Ruokonen, M Bláha, J Kubec, M Buřič, ...
Aquatic Ecology 54, 1169-1183, 2020
Diet and trophic niche of the invasive signal crayfish in the first invaded Italian stream ecosystem
F Ercoli, D Ghia, L Gruppuso, G Fea, T Bo, TJ Ruokonen
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8704, 2021
Are the effects of an invasive crayfish on lake littoral macroinvertebrate communities consistent over time?
TJ Ruokonen, F Ercoli, H Hämäläinen
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 31, 2016
Genome analysis of the monoclonal marbled crayfish reveals genetic separation over a short evolutionary timescale. Communications Biology, 4, 74
O Maiakovska, R Andriantsoa, S Tönges, C Legrand, J Gutekunst, ...
Generalist invasion in a complex lake food web
A Kuparinen, S Uusi‐Heikkilä, T Perälä, F Ercoli, AP Eloranta, F Cremona, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 5 (6), e12931, 2023
Behavioural responses of invasive (Gmelinoides fasciatus) and native (Gammarus lacustris) amphipods to predators on different bottom substrates
P Teesalu, F Ercoli, A Tuvikene
Aquatic Ecology 57 (1), 139-147, 2023
A comparison of the impacts of introduced signal crayfish and native noble crayfish in boreal lake ecosystems
F Ercoli
Jyväskylä studies in biological and environmental science, 2014
Strong temporal variation of consumer δ13C value in an oligotrophic reservoir is related to water level fluctuation
L Veselý, F Ercoli, TJ Ruokonen, M Bláha, J Duras, PJ Haubrock, M Kainz, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 3642, 2023
Species-specific trophic discrimination factors can reduce the uncertainty of stable isotope analyses
L Veselý, P Balzani, PJ Haubrock, M Buřič, M Glon, F Ercoli, TJ Ruokonen, ...
Hydrobiologia 851 (14), 3471-3487, 2024
A new alternative technique for sterilising invasive crayfish: removing female pleopods did not alter courtship pheromone release in signal crayfish
D Ghia, S Morabito, G Fea, F Ercoli, R Sacchi
Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 16, 2024
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