João Fabro
João Fabro
Federal University of Technology - Paraná - UTFPR - Brazil
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ROS navigation: Concepts and tutorial
RL Guimarães, AS de Oliveira, JA Fabro, T Becker, VA Brenner
Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 1), 121-160, 2016
Startup of a distillation column using intelligent control techniques
JA Fabro, LVR Arruda, F Neves Jr
Computers & chemical engineering 30 (2), 309-320, 2005
A proposal of qlearning to control the attack of a 2d robot soccer simulation team
JRF Neri, MR Zatelli, CHF dos Santos, JA Fabro
2012 Brazilian Robotics Symposium and Latin American Robotics Symposium, 174-178, 2012
Collaborative Behavior in Soccer: The Setplay Free Software Framework
L Mota, JA Fabro, LP Reis, N Lau
The 18th annual RoboCup International Symposium, 2014
Ambiente para criação de jogos educacionais de adivinhação baseados em cartas contextualizadas
JC Anacleto, AM Ferreira, EN Pereira, MAR Silva, JA Fabro
Anais do Workshop de Informática na Escola 1 (1), 2008
Fuzzy-neuro predictive control, tuned by genetic algorithms, applied to a fermentation process
JA Fabro, LVR Arruda
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control …, 2003
Using reinforcement learning techniques to select the best action in setplays with multiple possibilities in robocup soccer simulation teams
JA Fabro, LP Reis, N Lau
2014 joint conference on robotics: SBR-LARS robotics symposium and …, 2014
Notification-oriented paradigm framework 2.0: An implementation based on design patterns
AF Ronszcka, GZ Valenca, RR Linhares, JA Fabro, PC Stadzisz, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (11), 2220-2231, 2017
A MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) decomposition solution to the scheduling of heavy oil derivatives in a real-world pipeline
JA Fabro, SL Stebel, D Rossato, HL Polli, LVR Arruda, F Neves Jr, ...
Computers & chemical engineering 66, 124-138, 2014
Notification Oriented and Object Oriented Paradigms Comparison via Sale System
JM Simão, DL Belmonte, GZ Valença, MV Batista, RR Linhares, ...
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 5 (09), 695-210, 2012
A Game Comparative Study: Object-Oriented Paradigm and Notification-Oriented Paradigm
DL Belmonte, MV Batista, RR Linhares, RF Banaszewski, CA Tacla, ...
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 5 (09), 722, 2012
Notification-oriented programming language and compiler
AF Ronszcka, CA Ferreira, PC Stadzisz, JA Fabro, JM Simão
2017 VII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC), 125-131, 2017
Grupos Neurais e Sistemas Nebulosos: Aplicação à Navegação Autônoma. 1996. 75 f
Dissertação (Mestrado)-Curso de Engenharia Elétrica, Departamento de …, 1996
Framework PON, Avanços e Comparações
GZ Valença, RF Banaszewski, AF Ronszcka, MV Batista, RR Linhares, ...
III Simpósio de Computação Aplicada, Passo Fundo-RS, Brasil, 2011
Programming teaching using flowcharts in a simulated environment focused on introducing practical obr
JA Fabro, ET Paula, ÁFGP Dias, LE Skora
2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2019 Brazilian Symposium on …, 2019
Culture Sensitive Educational Games Considering Commonsense Knowledge
JC Anacleto, EN Pereira, AM Ferreira, AFPD Carvalho, JA Fabro
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information …, 2008
Designing fuzzy logic controllers for ros-based multirotors
E Koslosky, AS de Oliveira, MA Wehrmeister, JA Fabro
Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 2), 41-82, 2017
On using fuzzy logic to control a simulated hexacopter carrying an attached pendulum
E Koslosky, MA Wehrmeister, JA Fabro, AS de Oliveira
Designing with Computational Intelligence, 1-32, 2017
Cooperative load transport based on fuzzy logic controllers
MA Teixeira, HB Santos, AS de Oliveira, JA Fabro, LVR de Arruda, ...
2016 12th IEEE international conference on industry applications (INDUSCON), 1-6, 2016
Adding Conscious Aspects in Virtual Robot Navigation through Baars-Franklin's Cognitive Architecture
T Becker, JA Fabro, AS De Oliveira, LP Reis
2015 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and …, 2015
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