Aaron Clopton
Aaron Clopton
Associate Professor, The University of Kansas
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Re-conceptualizing social anchors in community development: utilizing social anchor theory to create social capital's third dimension
AW Clopton, BL Finch
Community Development 42 (1), 70-83, 2011
Social capital and team performance
AW Clopton
Team Performance Management: An International Journal 17 (7/8), 369-381, 2011
Are College Students' Bowling Alone?'Examining the Contribution of Team Identification to the Social Capital of College Students.
AW Clopton, BL Finch
Journal of Sport Behavior 33 (4), 2010
An alternative view of public subsidy and sport facilities through social anchor theory
C Seifried, AW Clopton
City, Culture and Society 4 (1), 49-55, 2013
College sports on campus: Uncovering the link between fan identification and sense of community
AW Clopton
International Journal of Sport Management 9 (4), 343-362, 2008
Social capital, gender, and the student athlete.
AW Clopton
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 16 (4), 272, 2012
Major sport events and psychic income: The social anchor effect
BD Oja, HT Wear, AW Clopton
Journal of sport management 32 (3), 257-271, 2018
Are they wearing their pride on their sleeve? Examining the impact of team and university identification upon brand equity
HT Wear, B Heere, AW Clopton
Fitness Information Technology, 2016
Predicting a sense of community amongst students from the presence of intercollegiate athletics: What roles do gender and BCS-affiliation play in the relationship
AW Clopton
The SMART inancial Journal 4 (1), 95-110, 2007
Students as spectators: Their academic and social integration
A Clopton
New Directions for Higher Education 2009 (148), 83-89, 2009
Using identities to explore social capital differences among White and African American student athletes
AW Clopton
Journal of African American Studies 15, 58-73, 2011
In search of the winning image: Assessing the connection between athletics success on perceptions of external prestige
AW Clopton, BL Finch
Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics 5 (1), 5, 2012
Social capital and college sport: In search of the bridging potential of intercollegiate athletics
AW Clopton
Human Kinetics, 2011
From message to messenger?: Assessing the impact of athletics on a college campus
A Clopton
Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education 2 (3), 299-320, 2008
Town & Gown…& Jerseys? NCAA Division III Athletics as Social Anchors
M Katz, AW Clopton
Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 285-306, 2014
Big-time college sport in black and white: Perceptions of the impact of athletics on campus
AW Clopton, B Bourke
College Student Affairs Journal 30 (1), 31, 2011
Slowing the coaching carousel: The benefits of person-organization fit
BD Oja, CC Schaeperkoetter, AW Clopton
Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics 8 (1), 162-182, 2015
Shattering the glass ceiling? Examining the impact of perceived gender discrimination on promotional opportunities of male and female coaches in women’s athletics
AW Clopton, M Sagas
International Journal of Sport Management 10 (1), 1-13, 2009
Examining the role of athletics in the development of university image among college students
B Finch, AW Clopton
Journal of Contemporary Athletics 11 (3), 137-145, 2017
Immunoendocrine alterations following Marine Corps Martial Arts training are associated with changes in moral cognitive processes
JA Siedlik, JA Deckert, AW Clopton, N Gigliotti, MA Chan, SH Benedict, ...
Physiology & behavior 154, 76-82, 2016
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